I wish

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 I wish If you were here with me

breathing the same air as me

I wish If we could say our last goodbye

before you depart from the earth and high

I wish If things weren't like this now

just a little better than now

I wish If I could sleep on your laps again

hearing you talk back again

I wish If I could buy your favorite snacks again

the one you like the best again

But these are just some

unrequired wishes,

which can never get fulfilled just a human's heart

full of greed with a lot of unrequired wishes

I know I miss your smile again

But I can't see that now again

But whenever I pass by that garden

And see your favorite flower blooming

O' how a flower can bloom from a bud

O' how can something go through so much sacrifice

for a little bud-like that

Just like how you sacrifice for us

Just how you sacrificed your smile for us

Just how much rain you've gone through

To get flowers like us,

Ungrateful flowers who have killed their own creator

These are just some unrequired

wishes with undesired results

Since you're gone, so your smile

Which shined brighter than any sunshine

Someone tried to take your place once,

Alas! I never opened the door again

Even If she would ring the doorbell,

I would say the owner's not here now or then

One's she managed to come inside

Breaking all the Door's of my wonderland inside,

making splendid noises while she went by,

But I throw her In a hole so deep

From which she never managed to leap,

I wish If you were here with me

Breathing the same air as me.


"This is for my grandmother I love her sooooo much but she's no more and my grandfather married another woman. So, I wrote this While I was missing her, Which makes my heart ache every day since I love her a lot, and this is personal to me since this art contains my memories and feelings so I hope you guys would love It"

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