Chapter 7

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Jason was sitting tied to a platform hanging outside the thick glass windows of the skyscraper. Both sides of the platform had explosives attached to them. Dick was crouched on the floor, his ears still ringing from the small bombs Deathstroke had tossed at them. He stared out the window at Jason, and in that moment he realized something was missing, someone was missing. Where was Katarina?

Before he could think any more about it, Deathstroke held up the small, glowing remote. He stared right at Dick through the holes of his mask and pressed down on the button.

The windows shattered and the platform dropped, taking Jason with it.

"No!" Dick yelled an sprinted at the window.

He found Jason barely holding onto a ledge on the side of the building. He was dangling hundreds of feet above the busy street below.

"Cmon, grab my hand." Dick instructed, reaching down to grab Jason's hand. "Here."

"Don't let go." Dick said, looking down at Jason.

Jason's gloved hand began to slip and Dick gripped it as tight as he possibly could. It didn't help, as Jason slipped out of his grip and began to plummet down towards the streets below.

A boy appeared out of no where, flying up and catching Jason mid fall. The two crashed into a black car, shattering the windows and crushing it. But they were both alive.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jason asked, breathing heavily.

"Not super sure yet." The boy answered.

They both climbed off of the now destroyed car.

"Whoever you are, I don't know how to thank you." Jason said.

"I'm just... glad I could help." He replied and smiled.

Suddenly, a few gunshots echoed and the boy stumbled and fell against the car. He slid to a seated position on the street, his breathing short and pained.

"Jason?!" Dick yelled, running up to them followed by Kory.

He crouched beside them. "What happened?" He asked.

"This guy just saved my life." Jason answered, looking over at Dick for a moment.


Back at the tower Jason had changed out of his Robin suit and tended to his injuries the best he could. He was still shaken from the fall but he needed to talk to Dick. He walked out of his room and into the hallways, searching for him.

He ran into Dick a little ways down the hallway.

"Hey, I was just looking for you. We need to talk." Dick said.

"Yeah, I need to tell you something." Jason said and nodded.

"Do you know why Katarina wasn't there on that platform? He doesn't have any need for her anymore, or he shouldn't." Dick said, studying Jason's face.

He was worried about the girl he had taken in, and for good reason considering who had kidnapped her and the earlier phone call.

"Dick, she's Deathstrokes daughter." Jason stated, looking up from the floor.

"Wait what?" Dick asked incredulously, "Are you sure?"

"She said 'Hey dad' so yeah, I'm pretty fucking sure." Jason answered and turned on his heel, returning to his room.

"Shit." Dick muttered before disappearing down the hallway.


Katarina was still sitting tied to the chair in Deathstrokes temporary tunnel lair. Deathstroke returned, pulling his mask off and dropping it on a table. He pulled the chair Jason had been tied to across from Katarina's chair and sat down.

"Explain." He instructed, watching her with his single eye.

"19 years ago." She said, "You remembered her name so I doubt you completely forgot about her. You obviously didn't know about me." At this she smiled dryly. "I heard all about you though."

Slade raised an eyebrow. "My mission is already in progress. I have no use for you." he said, standing up. "So I'm going to have to get rid of you."

He pulled a gun out of its holster on his suit and aimed it at her forehead. Smoke filled her eyes, swirling like a storm in her head. Her dark hair morphed, turning into smoke at the roots and spreading until her hair was fully made of black smoke. She breathed out and smoke floated out of her mouth.

Slades eyes widened slightly as he watched this transformation. The wisps of black smoke grabbed his gun out of his hand and threw it across the room. It then untied the ropes holding her and she slowly stood up.

"You don't wanna do that...Dad." She said, her voice morphed into something distorted and demonic.

She tilted her head to the side. Her smoke filled eyes studying him. Without another word she walked past him and out of the tunnel lair.

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