Chapter 13

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"I ordered the album weeks ago, where is it?" A rude man asked an employee at the record shop.

"I know, I;m sorry. I just can't find it." The employee said, walking back behind the counter. The man followed.

"Did they hire you for your ass? Cause it definitely wasn't your brains." The man said angrily.

Jericho turned and bumped into the man, who turned his anger on Jericho. "Hey, watch it asshole."

Jericho looked up, his eyes turning solid white as his consciousness jumped into the mans body. "That rude of me." The man apologized. "Here, let me buy that for you." He said to Jericho, and pulled the record from his hands. Jacob watched with a crooked smile on his face, enjoying Jericho's usual antics.

The man walked up to the counter. "I sorry for my outburst." the man said to the employee as he pulled out his wallet and paid for Jericho's record. "Please," he said and pulled two fiftys out of his wallet. "Accept this tip." he put the money in the tip jar on the counter.

"Uh, thanks."

"I have a tiny penis." The man said and grabbed the record, which sent Jacob into a fit of silent laughter. "Good day." he walked back to Jericho, who's consciousness jumped back into his own body.

"Here." the man said and handed Jericho his record before walking away. Jericho winked at him as he turned to leave.

"Bye?" the man said.

Dick walked past the man and over to Jericho and Jacob, who's silent laughter has dissolved back into a crooked smile. "Hey...what did you just do?"


Dick brought Jericho and Jacob back to Titans tower. The elevator doors opened and Dick walked out, followed by Jericho who was walking slowly and looking around. Jacob trailed behind them, amazed by the tower as well.

"Follow me." Dick said to the two boys. "Guys I've got great news!"

"Rejoining the circus?" hank asked as he walked over.

"No," Dick said. "You have to see this."

"You should've called." Dawn said.

"Something came up." Dick said and looked over at Jericho. "Go ahead, show them."

Jericho signed to Dawn. "He's asking who."

"Who what?" Hank asked. Jericho looked at Hank.

Dick smiled. "Hank."

"Hank what?"

"Look at Jericho."

Hank did so, and Jericho's eyes went white as he jumped into Hank's body.

"I don't know what this is about but I'm gonna...." Hank eyes flashed white. "Dance."

Hank grabbed Dawns hand. "Let's dance."

"What?" Dawn asked as Hank pulled her close to him and they began dancing. "My mom taught me this one." he said as he spun Dawn around and dipped her.

"What's happening to Hank?" Dawn asked as Hank spun her again and let go of her hand.

"I'm not very good at this." Hank said before doing a ballerina twirl.

"That's not Hank." Dick said.

Jacob was standing there, silently laughing again. Jericho's power never ceased to entertain him.

"So this is like...invasion of the body snatchers?" Donna asked.

"Kinda, I can make my consciousness jump into anyone I make eye contact with." Hank, or rather, Jericho explained. "I control everything. What they do." he snapped Hanks fingers. "What they say. Hank has no idea I've rented him out."

"No way." Dawn said in amazement. Hank started signing, and Dawn translated. "I hope this doesn't freak you out."

"This is amazing." Donna said, looking between Hank and Jericho.

"No..." Jericho pulled up Hanks shirt and looked at his six pack. "This is amazing. Sucks to have to give it up." He said as he jumped back into his own body.

Jericho smiled and Hank looked confused. "Did I just black out, and pull my groin?" he asked. Jericho looked down and then back at Hank.

"What're you laughing at? Did you just..." Hank asked, walking towards where Jericho and Jacob were standing and silently laughing. Jericho put his hands out.

"He said sorry, he's sorry." Dawn interjected before the situation escalated.

Jericho then looked over and signed something at Jacob who signed something back. They proceeded to have a small argument in sign language while Dawn just barely followed along.

"Jacob, what's he talking about?" Dawn asked, looking towards Jacob curiously.

Jacob looked away, not answering.

"Whats happening?" Dick asked.

"Jericho said Jacob should show us too." Dawn translated. "Jacob doesn't want to."

"Show us what?" Dick asked.

I don't..." Before Dawn could finish, Jericho made the sign for power.

"You have a power Jacob?" Dawn asked, looking back towards Jacob.

Jacob nodded slowly and then pulled a pen out of his pocket. He started drawing on the only surface he had with him, his forearm. They all watched him intently, wondering what the boy's power could be.

After a few long minutes, he slid the pen behind his ear and held out his forearm. A quick, but considerably well drawn ballerina was sketched across his inner arm. He held his other hand above his forearm and then slowly raised his hand. The drawing seemed to pull away from his skin until the ballerina was standing on his open palm. The tiny woman began to dance across his hand as the rest of the team watched in amazement.

"You bring drawings to life." Donna said, breaking the awed silence. Jacob nodded and walked over to the counter, to let the ballerina down onto another surface so he could sign again.

"Any drawing?" Dick asked.

"Only my own." Jacob signed, with Dawn translating.

"Where did you two get these powers?" Donna asked them.

Jericho began signing again. "He doesn't know." Dawn said, "He thinks it was from the drugs his dad took when he was in the military."

They looked over at Jacob, who began shakily signing as Dawn translated. "He doesn't really know either. He said his mother would run...experiments?" she said, looking worriedly towards Jacob to make sure she had gotten that right. He nodded and continued signing. "and that may have given him his powers when he was young." Dawn finished.

They all looked at Jacob with sympathetic looks and he looked down.

"How long have you had this power?" Dawn asked, signing to Jericho.

"He doesn't know. Since he was a kid" Dawn said as Jericho signed. "The only person he ever told was his dad...once."

Jericho started signing out the story. "Him and his dad were late to his lesson. A truck cut them off. The driver got out of the car, wanting to start a fight with his dad. Jericho stopped it by jumping into his body. Jericho's dad got back in the car and asked if he did that. Slade told him his powers came from him. He said to keep his powers hidden, not to tell anyone. The only other person he's told was his mom, until now" Dawn finished.

"Body hopping, and bringing drawings to life." Donna said softly. "Theres so much you can do with that."

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Dawn asked, walking past Dick as she asked him. He turned and followed her. 

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