Jonah Part Thirty-Nine

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The voice that's at the behind of my head isn't dying down like how I hoped it would be. I start to do my research. From what she told me, her parents' names were Lauren and Owen.

Lauren Johnson:

" He was.... Fit. Fitter than most men his age, which surprised me. Your typical image of a killer would be more rugged, not as handsome. This man looked quite normal, striking gray-blue eyes and graying brown hair, a dad you'd find at any old school." "I know I don't have much time left, and I know our baby girl is going to be devastated, but please Officer Clinton, make sure he doesn't get her too, I don't know what I would do if he di-"

The video stops playing. I'm guessing she was at her end. I hurt for Rose, after listening to this.

Owen Johnson: "He wore a covering mask that covered his face, so it was difficult to discern any other facial features, but I was able to see small glasses that were obviously meant for fashion, not medical reasons."

That was when I got distracted. Like a lot.

Bailey: Do you want to head to the gym today?

Me: Maybe in a couple of hours.

Bailey: I can't then.

Me: Okay, I'll be there in twenty.

I wave her over to the lobby. Her hair is tied in a messy ponytail, and I like that she feels comfortable enough to not try so much. Other girls would stuff their face with unnecessary makeup products to go to the gym. I never understood why they did that, because wouldn't it all smear off after working out anyways? Pointless. Bailey smiles when she sees me, and all of a sudden my day got about twenty times better. Her smile was one of pure joy blossoming, as a flower opened. I could easily observe how it came from deep within her and reached her eyes, making them twinkle and spread throughout the rest of her. A person smiles with much more than their mouth, and I heard it in her voice, in the choice of her words, and the way she relaxed. It's beautiful.

"Hey!" She says, obviously looking forward to torturing me with whatever intense workout she has planned.

I've never actually dated a girl who was more athletic than myself, yet here I was. This should be fun.

"Hi," I say back, giving her a look.


" Nothing. You just look really good," I blurt out.

"Do I not look good every other day of the week?," Her face flushes red, as she tries to keep up the banter.

"Yeah. You're just not being an ice princess today,"

" Haha. Very funny," she says, her face easing into a smirk.

" I get that a lot."

I wrap my arms around her torso and hug her close.

" I bet you're excited to beat me in everything," I say as her arms encircle my waist and her head lolls to my shoulder.

She pushes me away.

"That's not going to make me go easy on you." she huffs indignantly.

As we enter the weight room, she starts right off on the mat stretching. The girl could be a yoga instructor with all the poses she's doing.

"I hope you know that I am probably the least coordinated person on planet Earth,"

"Says the football player, being well aware of his talent,"

"You do think I'm talented!"

She flushes. " Is there a problem with that?"

A silence passes through us. Our eyes are locked, electricity crackling between us.

"Anyways, let's start working," she rolls her eyes, regaining her composure.

I stand there stupidly for a good five seconds until she starts yelling

"What part of 'let's start working' do you not get?"

"Ice Princess,"

"Football playing hulk,"

"For the record, I'm not green,"

"Would you prefer purple?"

"I'll take green."

Reluctantly, I sit down next to her on the yoga mat. 

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