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Requested by shenenee

A normal day, no murder, no Gargoyles, no crazy cults, no weird sex video tapes. Everything was back to normal and everyone was safe, happy, and in love. Well most people were in love.

The Cooper/Smith/Jones family, were all together again. Betty figured about Charles and Chic talking, she talked to him, and he realizsed she was right and that he was just using her. Polly came back from her crazy place, her twins living at the house. Betty went off to college with Jughead, but since it's summer, they haven't gone just yet. Jellybean is starting high school, and met a boy. Jughead isn't dead and is still eating burgers and writing stories.

But Alice and FP, that's a different story. They were in love and were getting married soon, but that's another story for another day.

Alice sat at the table, she was wearing her glasses looking over the files that her boss gave her. She was trying to find evidence for her story, while FP was in the living room. He was still working at the police station. Hiram gave him his job back, before Hiram went to jail for bankrupt. Hermione and Mary became friends, but more than friends, more like lovers, which got a little weird for Archie and Veronica, but they got over it.

"Mom." Polly said walking downstairs holding the twins. Alice looked up from her case and saw her standing there wearing a green dress, and makeup. "I'm going on a date tonight, can you watch the kids?"

"It's a little late notice." Alice got up from the chair and walked over to her, crossing her arms.

"I know I'm sorry, but I planned the date this afternoon and forgot to tell you." Polly looked at her. "Please?"

"Of course I'll take care of them." Polly handed Juniper to Alice and Dagwood ran to FP. "How could I say no to there little faces?" Alice said pressed a kiss to Juniper's nose. "Go have fun honey."

"Thank you so much mom." Polly pressed a kiss to Alice's cheek. "Bye guys!"

And with that Polly left the house, going to a date tonight. She felt like it was time to get over Jason, since it's been a long time. Alice was happy that her daughter was finally getting out into the world moving on from Jason.

"What do you wanna do Dagwood?" He just looked at FP.

Dagwood, didn't know many words, only mommy, and Betty. Juniper already called Alice, Grandma which made her heart melt every time hearing the words come out of her mouth. Juniper is smarter than her brother, which isn't surprising. Cheryl was smarter than Jason, and Alice was smarter than Hal. It runs in the family. But Dagwood also doesn't know FP much, he's only met him once, and that was yesterday. Juniper started messing with Alice's glasses.

"Juni, let's not mess with grandma's glass please." Alice said, trying to move her face away, to get her to stop grabbing them. Juniper took them off and put them on her face. Juniper was smart, but she also didn't know many words either. Not big words, mostly just like 'please' and 'thanks you' or family names. "You look so beautiful with my glasses on honey."

"How about hide and seek?" FP looked at everyone. They nodded their heads, Alice let Juniper on the ground. Alice grabbed her glasses back, she could see fine without them, but she didn't want to lose them, especially if little kids would be running around the place. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, even her grandkids. "Who do you want to be it?" Juniper pointed to him, while Dagwood pointed to Alice. They both shared glances. "Uh-"

"How about we FP and me are the seeker's and then the next round, I'll be it." They nodded their heads. Alice and FP watched them run upstairs to go and hide.

"I don't know how I got such a beautiful woman with a kind heart." FP said walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him.

"Fate." She said simply pressing a small smile to kiss.

"Ready or not, here we come!" Alice yelled in the house. She walked out of the small hug they were sharing and walked up the stairs. Alice looked in the master bedroom which was there's.

FP walked into the small office they had and found Dagwood hiding underneath the desk. He picked him up and carried him over his shoulder, giggle's coming out of Dagwood's mouth. Alice looked everywhere in the master bedroom until she found Juniper hiding behind the clothes in the closet.

"Found you." Alice said grabbing Juniper and started tickling her. She went downstairs and saw the boys waiting for them. "Do you want to do another round or go to the park?"

"Park! Park! Park!" They both said together. Alice and FP laughed.

At the park everything was great. Alice and FP took care of the kids. Alice sat on one of the benches and watched FP pushing the little kids in a swing. Smiles coming off their faces, which brought a big smile onto her face.

After the park they had dinner all together. She felt like she had grown more closer to her little grandchildren. She was washing the dishes, while FP took them upstairs to the extra room they had.

"There you go." He tucked them both in. Juniper was already out cold, she fell asleep like a light switch turning off. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. He sat down on the bed next to Dagwood, before he could even take a breath, Dagwood jumped up and wrapped his arm tightly around FP. FP smiled, hugging him back. Dagwood laid back down in bed, FP pulled the covers over his body, leaving just his head showing.

"Love you Grandpa." Dagwood said softly. FP had tears forming in his eyes, hearing those words. Juniper says it to him all the time, because she warmed up to him easily, but for Dagwood that was a big step.

"I love you too Dag." He pressed a kiss to his forehead.

He got up from the bed and walked over to the door. He looked to his new grandchildren and smiled. He shut the light off and closed the door softly. He stayed by the door for a couple of seconds, softly smiling to himself. He knew his children loved him, even if Jughead was at college and Jellybean was at camp for two weeks. He went downstairs and saw Alice wiping the island. Her back was facing him, he went over and wrapped his arms around her softly, causing her to lightly jump, but melting into his embrace. He kissed her cheek.

"What's got you so happy?" She said seeing the smile on his face from the corner of her eye. She put the rag on the counter and looked at him.

"Dagwood called me Grandpa, and that he loves." FP smiled proudly.

"You must be really happy to have that big of a grin on your face." Alice looked at his big smile on his face. He gave her a serious look for a second, before going back to his smile, but not as big. She walked over towards him, her hands coming to the back to his neck, while his went straight to her waist, squeezing it a little. "I know how much that little guy means to you." She said looking at him, and kissed his lips softly. He hummed against her lips, the vibration on her lips sent shivers down her spine. She separated her lips away from his, ghosting them. "I think you deserve some attention tonight."

"Really?" He moved his hands down to her ass, squeezing it.

"Yeah." She said softly, pressing one small kiss to his lips. "After Polly picks her kids up."

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