~ A Bit Too Easy ~

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The Jötnar gave L her instructions; go to the Elves and ask for the potion to take them to Paguea, go to Paguea and locate her parents, help them and find the Jadavah who may or may not solve their prophecy problem. L knew it wouldn't be as easy as that but breaking it down helped her to cope with the mountain of work she still had to do in order to get to her parents.

"And one more thing, just a reminder that when you leave here you will not retain knowledge of me. You will know only the details you need to go forth, I just didn't want you to become disoriented." The Jötnar explained, as though it was all perfectly natural.

L tilted her head for a moment, realising that's why Keepers held little to no information on his species. "But, why?"

The Jötnar raised his blue brow, "Because... I can't have anyone knowing I'm here, otherwise they will all seek me out. And a Keeper with knowledge of my kind still being around is a risky concept, should the prophecy come to pass."

L's face scrunched, "So you're worried about being found here if a Demon kills me for the knowledge in my head?"

The Jötnar didn't answer at first, he pressed a finger to his chin. Bryce was apparently following L's train of thought though.

"So, if that did happen, and I hate to even think of it let alone say it, but if it did... you'd prefer to hide out in here while the world suffers?"

The Jötnar opened his mouth, but nothing came out, he appeared to be speechless. Bryce took this opportunity to keep pressing him.

"Your power is remarkable, your alter ego incredibly intimidating, nothing less than higher level Demons would come for you. And by that time, I'm sure they'd find you anyway when they destroy the world." The Jötnar looked ready to speak, but Bryce held up a finger. "And one last thing to note, if L leaves here feeling like she forgot something or someone important, she would seek you out again eventually and you'd have to repeat this again and again."

Bryce was smirking and L arched a brow at how true that was, and how much more he seemed to know her now.

"It's true," Robbie intervened. "She'd just keep on coming back, seems kinda pointless to me."

L watched the Jötnar stare at her for the longest minute.

"I suppose I can see that being the case. Fine, I won't erase your memories but you must swear to speak of me to nobody else. And I will know."

The three of them swore, not that they ever would have disrespected his privacy without swearing. But L understood his reluctance to be out in the world, Demons would choose to seek him out whenever they could. For power, or to prove themselves in a fight, either way he was ancient and good, he didn't need the hassle.

"Great, now that that's sorted, I'll take ye out of here." Sully spoke up, standing from his bench and adjusting his coat.

"Are we going back the way we came?"

"No, there's a different route for where you're going." Sully's wide smirk reappeared.

It wasn't apparent what he meant by that, but once again they were to follow Sully if they wanted to leave. They handed back their empty cups and made their way to the entrance of the living room. The outer cavern felt colder than it had before, L used some of her heat stores and turned to the Jötnar, who stayed in the entrance.

"It was interesting to meet you, L. I hope you find what you're searching for out there."

"Thank you, and I promise I won't let anything happen to the knowledge I possess. I would die first."

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