Parasite Lost Chapter 5

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Dante pointed his massive shotgun toward the desk. A terrified murmur came from underneath and two hands slowly lifted in surrender. Dante stared with an intensity that loosened the man's bowels as he crawled out from underneath the desk wearing what looked like a gas mask. Bren motioned to Alistair to keep searching the area before walking over to interrogate.

"Please don't shoot, I'm a scientist," the man said, his voice cracking like a prepubescent teenager.

"What's your name?" Bren asked. The scientist stared into the barrel of the shotgun.

"The man asked you a question," Dante said. His bio-hardware modulated his voice so he sounded almost demonic. The scientist cleared his throat and struggled to get his attention away from the gun pointed directly at him. "Julian Porter. Most of the other doctors call me JP. Sort of a social acceptance thing I suppose."

"All right JP, what are you doing here? What's with the mask?" Bren asked, glancing over to Alistair who was busy poking through some holo-pads in the corner of the room. Apate was still searching in the hallway nearby and nowhere to be seen.

"I am a researcher on this project. I am in charge of virtually every-"

"What's going on? How come you're the only one alive?" Bren said.

Julian was annoyed at the interruption but didn't argue given the circumstances.

"Well, I heard they would send help, but I had hoped they would send trained scientists, not soldiers. Seeing as you gentlemen look like professionals I trust you will understand the importance of confidentiality and understand that I can't discuss the project with you," Julian said, as if his air of professionalism and confidence would end the conversation. 

Dante reminded the scientist of his presence with a growl. Julian was promptly brought back to reality before Dante could finish his audible displeasure. "But perhaps, given the circumstances I can, erm... bend security protocols."

"Good idea," Bren said as he flashed a patronizing grin.

"Ok, where to begin. This facility is part of the-" the unmistakable crack of energy weapons followed by a shriek pierced the air. Julian squealed like a terrified toddler and dropped to his knees before scuttling back under the desk. 

He cradled his knees and tried to suppress an anxiety attack. Everyone in the lab looked around as they tried to figure out what was going on. They heard the teeth rattling sound of metal shearing apart, followed by a minor explosion from somewhere else in the facility.

The three men glanced at each other. Apate was not in the room with them.

"Apate, are you ok?" Bren radioed over the comm unit.

"I'm fine. Anyone know what that was?" she responded.

"Not yet, but we're about to find out. Where are you?"

"Down the hall inspecting another laboratory."

"See if you can find out where that noise came from. I'm sending Alistair your way to help. Stay sharp."

"On it," she said.

Bren nodded to Alistair, who left the laboratory in search of Apate. Dante flipped the desk that Julian hid under and tossed it halfway across the room with one arm. "Get up and start talking," he said. Dante pointed his shotgun once again at the terrified scientist.

"Before I begin, I should let you know you are all going to die," the scientist said matter-of-factly. Bren and Dante exchanged glances.

"How do you figure?" Bren asked.

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