9(Part 2)

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The person finally turned around and trust me when I tell you I almost screamed.
It was Ayaan , my best friend from back in high school.

I was so happy , my smile was so wide . I was trying to not jump into his arms at this point.

"Well that's the first time you've been this excited to see me Zara."

"This is the first time my dumb best friend visited me since he left to study abroad Ayaan"

I informed the warden about him and then we went and walked around the campus. Talking about our lives. Catching up on what we missed through the video-calls.

He's the only school friend that stuck around after highschool. We aren't really best friends anymore but he's more like family now , you might not see them everyday but when you do you might as well cry from the memories hitting you all at once.

Everyone else from our group just kind of drifted away , it was normal though. We are humans we grow , we change we soon change into a completely different person. We still talked once in a while but that was soon changing into just birthday wishes.

He told me all about his new life , we knew that if anyone would have the courage to settle in a new country with a different language it would be him . As for now he was in France , he loved the beauty of that country but he did mention wanting to move to another country because of more opportunities.

I told him about my life , skipping over the part that my boyfriend was well known . I know he's my close friend but literally no one knows , they just know I'm taken but that's it. I dodge all questions regarding Nic.
He did try to dig in but I strictly told him to leave the topic alone.

We then went to sit under a tree .
My phone vibrated but I turned it off , I was in no mood of replying to anyone.

Minutes turned into a few hours and he left so I went back towards my dorm. What I was not expecting was a Nic leaning against the wall with flowers and a box in his hands . He was literally sleeping like that , as if he had been waiting for a long time.

I went towards him and poked his shoulder ,
"Nic? Nicolas ? Baby get up. "
He almost jumped a feet in the air,
"Shhh it's just me . What are you doing here ? You were going to visit next week"

He just looked up at me and then put both the things in his hand on the ground and left. I just stood there trying to comprehend what I did wrong .

All of a sudden everything hit me like a truck. Did he -
Did he think I was cheating on him ?

I opened my phone knowing that I'll have no idea where he was so following him wasn't a good idea.

I opened his texts

Hey baby there's a surprise for you sitting across the wardens table.(5hrs ago)

Perle ? Baby please hurry up the surprise cannot wait that long.(4.5hrs ago)

Baby you're scaring me where are you ?(4 hrs ago)

The warden finally came in and says you left with someone....
Perle ?
Baby ?
Babygirl where are you?

Sweetheart I'm here , it's been 3 hours already ...(3 hrs ago)

I'm gonna take a walk please respond...

I just- you're ....
Zara I clearly told you about my past why did you do this to me ?
Is he the one for you ?
You're laughing with him ..
You couldn't have broken up with me instead of cheating ?
You switched off your phone now ?!

I'll be waiting at your doorsteps Z take what was meant to be yours today and I'll leave .(1hr ago)

Goodbye .

I ran upto my dorm , calling him to know that he switched off his phone this time.
I called Theo ,

Theo I messed up. I mean I didn't but he thinks I did oh my god I'm going to kill myself. What did I just do -

Hey hey heyyy....Zar what happened? You were supposed to meet Nic right ? Don't talk about suicide or I'll fly across the globe to smack you to the moon.

I *sobs* i- fuck I don't even know what I did wrong . I didn't cross any boundaries I didn't even hug him . Ahhh

Shhhhh...... Shush take a deep breathe in , now out . In and out. Calm down . If anything goes wrong I'm there for you . Now tell me exactly what happened. Zara I'm there for you okay?

I was mad at him for not talking to me right ? Then I told you I'd call later ? I went downstairs , my best friend from school days visited me . He was in France for the past 2 years. I informed the warden and walked around the campus with him. I didn't leave the campus premises coz I don't know it didn't feel right . I came back 5 hours later. Nicolas was leaning on the wall sleeping with flowers and a box in his hand. I woke him up and he gave me a look .... His eyes screamed that he was hurt.... Then he handed me the stuff and left. I was so shocked I just stared at the wall trying to comprehend what just happened. Theo I swear I didn't cheat , he is-was urgh I don't even know. He's the only person I've ever dated . But I know how it feels why would I do it to him ? Especially him ?
Theo I - I just I don't even know what to do ahhhhhhhhh*crashing sound followed by glass shattering*
Fuck ahh

Zara what did you do oh my god. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT.  Stop acting on impulse.

It's nothing over how much in pain he is

Zara get up and clean up the blood. It's not your fault, you did nothing wrong ! You both just need to talk and I'll make sure you do . Now chin up stop crying and go clean up the blood .

Oooooooooops 😶

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