{Guitar & movies}(2)

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He changed his body limping as he got his mother what she desired "i hate my life..." That happy U.A life? Never heard of that... This is my life the one where i want to jump and simply die

Denki was headed back home becoming more nervous as he entered his own home, being greeted by the sound of his parents arguing and his mom throwing a wine bottle. The blonde simply placed down the wine bottle as well as beer he had got his father he scurried to his room trying to escape his parents arguing. He couldn't wish for the day that he would meet up with Shinsou to come faster, so he could escape and have fun with him.

Kaminari grabbed this bag along with this phone and his instrument case he didn't exactly play much, but it was something that actually helped him calm down, he began to crawl out the window and sneak out of his own home. This was the only course of action that seems reasonable for him, once he got out he closed the window and ended up going to the park, he would play there but he knew no one would actually listen to him, right? yeah that should be good...

He began to pull the strings and strum the guitar, smacking the bottom of the guitar lightly making a nice beat for himself, he began to hum he had learned all this from Jirou another person that cared for him but they hardly talked anymore. She had talked with him a lot but it stopped suddenly almost like she was forced to.

Soon enough he was in his own world, a figure sitting next to him the entire time listening to the music and the beautiful voice that the blonde somehow possessed. Well two figures actually."Woah Denks i didn't know you could play guitar, why did you hide this from me?" Denki's train of thought ended "W-what shinsou!? How long have you been there?" A small voice spoke up "The whole time...you sounded great" a little girl began to speak,she was seated on Shinsou's lap

"Thanks...and who is this lovely princess?" Shin looked at the girl and began to speak,"Oh this is my sister Eri, i never told you about her because uh you had so much going on" Denki nodded "y-yeah i understand, what are you doing around here anyway?" The purple haired boy looked at him "Well im babysitting but, maybe we could hang out? after all you don't seem to be really busy. And same question" Denki flinched "O-oh right, i just needed a break ill tell you about it in a bit" he signaled towards Eri. Shinsou immediately understood and smiled. "Say why dont we go on that hangout?"Denki looked at him "L-like right now?" Shinsou nodded looking at the boy.

And thats how they ended up in the movie teather watching while Eri was in the middle seat holding onto Denki and Shinsou's hand. She smiled looking at the two she knew that Shinsou liked Denki so she was nice to him she also wanted to tease her big brother. After the movie they went to get food Eri smiled at the two before speaking "Ne, Big brother since i call you prince should i start calling Denki your princess?"

Shinsou chocked on his soda "Eri! What makes you say that? Haha-" Denki got red looking at the two "Eri, i thought that well you would be the princess you know?" She shook her head "I cant be the princess! When you two are together!" She grinned making both the boys die inside

"Well look at the gay boy,Denki did you get tired of hiding and get yourself a hookup? Classic" He heard a boy chuckle behind them. He had spiky ash blonde hair, with a sly grin "B-bakugou im not in the mood..." Bakugou scoffed looking at the boy "sure you aren't slut"

Shinsou coughed looking at the ash blonde with a glare "Hey Bakugou why dont you fuck off?"a few sparks could be heard "The hell did you say-" Denki looked at the two Shinsou's lips beginning to talk "get out off here and go back to your gang i don't wanna hear it" and so he left. Eri looked at them "who was that?" Denki patted her head making the little girl smile and giggle "Dont worry princess,he just makes fun of me" Eri frowned "Thats not nice... Shouldn't you be friends like everyone?" "It doesn't work like that sometimes" Shinsou looked at the two with a smile and a blush mumbling...

"Im glad they are getting along, i have two things making me happy" he walked over to the two "Say? Why dont we get you home Denk-" Denki looked horrified "NO! uhm i mean no... Could i stay at your place?" Shinsou blushed "If you want? But did something happen at your house" Denki nodded and looked down "Can he Prince? Can he? Please please please!? I want to play dress up with Denki!" Eri began to plead and Shinsou smiled "Fine, but remember we have to ask our dads first" He took out his cellphone and propped it to his ear, the little girl putting her ear close to hear.

Denki got nervous and Shinsou smiled after mumbling with his parents on the phone."Okay princess lets head home then"The purple haired boy teased making Denki go red."T-thats not funny Shin..." Eri giggled "it's adora- adoor- ah dooo rah... I cant say it what was the word again?" Shinsou whispered in her ear and she lit up almost like a puppy "oh oh oh oh! I got it! It's Adorable!" She bursted out laughing as they headed home once more holding onto Shin and Denki's hand. The two looked at each other with a smile and a slight blush Shinsou knocking on the door...

A tall man with long black hair and tired eyes opened, "Back already? And why is Kaminari here?" Shinsou laughed nervously "he's staying over something happened..."Denki looked over at the man "A-Aizawa...?you're Shinsou's dad?" He nodded and let the boys walk in after he picked Eri up and took her to her own room. "Dont be too loud you two, oh and please use protection" Shinsou groaned "Dad! I told you its not like that!!"

He looked at Denki and smiled while they walked to his room "Want me to get you some clothes Denks?" The smaller boy nodded and sat down on Hitoshi's bed hugging the pillow close to him while waiting for the other to get him clothes "you seem to enjoy hugging my stuff Denks..." He looked at the source of the voice with a blush as he was handed clothes to wear

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