00:01 || new york

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          We live in a world where if you say the wrong things, you get laughed at. Where if you are not dressed the perfect way, you get looked at funny. Where if you aren't good at school, your stupid. Where if you're too fat you need to stop eating but if you're too skinny you need to eat more. We live in a world that we judge others for how they look, not caring what they have been through. Where you must know what you're doing with your life before you even know who you are as a person. Where if your house isn't big your poor. Where if you kiss a guy, you're a whore but if you won't kiss a guy your lame and no fun. Where you must be popular or it's no fun. We live in a world where being yourself, isn't accepted. So you play the part.

-♛𝕠𝕒𝕜𝕝𝕖𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕧𝕖♛

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-♛𝕠𝕒𝕜𝕝𝕖𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕧𝕖♛

            "Pronta," I whisper to my brother as I grip my suitcase's handle. I watched my brother nod his head as we walked to security. I looked down at my gray sweatpants and tight white shirt. My curly blonde hair flowed carefully down my back. We got through security easily as we walked to our private jet.

People quickly took our suitcases, to put them away. I smile tightly as I follow my brother onto the plane. "How long is the flight?" I ask as I sit in my seat across from my brother. I fiddled with my thumbs as I heard the loud sound of the engine going off.

"Around 8 hours. You're ok sorellina, stiamo bene." He laughs knowing I hate flying. I nod leaning back in my chair as we take off.

My dad told us a week ago that we are moving to New York. He said we will be attending a fancy boarding school, he's only sending us here for publicity.

I sink into my seat as the plane starts the shake. I close my eyes waiting for sleep to overcome me.

I pass out but I was woken up by my brother shaking me. "We are here." He says with a goofy smile pulling me up. I fix my hair quickly wondering how I slept that long. I brush off my outfit as I walked out of the plane to see flashing lights of paparazzi. I give a tight but fake smile as the flashes and questions come at us.

My brother pulls my hand softly handing me my suitcase, I follow him to the car. It was a simple black sports car that my dad got for my brother I presume. "Your car is in the dorms parking garage." He smirks holding up his keys making me laugh. I watch as a worker takes our suitcases and puts them in the trunk. I climb into the passenger seat as my brother turned on the car.

As we drove I watched the busy streets go by in a blur as we pulled up to a tall and fancy building. The street around it was simple and not very busy. I watch as students with school uniforms entered as I got out of the car. This building was one out of four dorms for the students, the school was down the block in walking distance. I saw people look at us and start whispering. I griped my suitcase as I handed it over to the worker who was taking them up as we check-in. My brother followed me as I walked to the front desk.

"Hi, Oakley and Milo Cove." I say to the sweet old lady who was at the desk. I watch her nod her head typing into her computer.

"Ah yes. Oakley Cove, Room 904. Roommate hm Ms.Thompson." She says handing me a key card. "And Milo Cove." She says turning to my brother. "Room 808, Roommate Mr. Ronan." She says hesitantly. I've heard that name before. Our father has done business with them. I look at my brother as he gets his key, we turn to walk to the elevator. Pressing the 8th and 9th floor I lean against the wall. The door slides open revealing 8 doors, 4 on each side.

I give my brother a small smile as he gets off the elevator. He waves bye as the door shuts going up another leave.

The doors open again revealing another floor the same as my brothers. I push myself up, walking to my room putting the key in and opening the door.

There was a blonde-haired girl who looked like a model sitting in what looks like a living room. The room was a basic white theme and looked almost like a hotel. I turned my head to see a small kitchen and two doors. The girl saw me her eyes slightly going wide as she stands up to walk over to me. "Hi, you must be Oakley?" She says sweetly.

"Hi," I whisper back quickly. I watch her stare at me for a second, she looked very confused but keep quiet.

"Uh right, sorry your just well know." She laughs softly. She's probably heard of my mom's fashion lines or my dad's business company's, my mom was really popular in America. She passed away 2 years ago. Cancer. "Your room is the door on the left, I put your suitcase in there. I hope you don't mind." She smiles. "And your uniform and that is already in your closet," I mumble a thank you not trying to be rude.

She smiles and goes into her room quickly, strange.

Sighing I walk to my room opening the door. I had everything sent out here from my old room and I had my dad get people to help get it all ready by the time I was here. I smile at the nice soft pink sheets and aesthetic of the room.

I walk over to my suitcase pulling out my clothes hanging them up next to my school uniform. The uniform was a plain white shirt, a tie that was the school's colors, and a matching skirt. After I feel like everything is set up, I look at the clock noticing how it's only 5 and that I was hungry.

I quickly change into a simple white sweater from my mom's spring collection and a black jean skirt. I put on a Gucci belt and some diamond earrings. I grab my phone leaving my room. I knock on my roommate's door. Realizing she never told me her name as she opens it eying what I'm wearing with wide eyes.

"I was going to get some food If you want to come? Or I could bring you back something.." I offer unsure. She smiles softly. "Also you never said what your name was?" I ask awkwardly.

"I already eat but thank you, and it's Hannah." She giggles softly as I wave goodbye leaving the room.

I was going to stop by my brother's room before I left. When I reached his floor I knocked softly on the door, I heard a voice from inside then silence.

The door opens quickly revealing a boy who I haven't met before. He was very handsome and had the darkest gray eyes. He was tall probably around 6"4 causing me to look up, me being only 5"4. I frown softly looking around him seeing my brother on the couch. I give the guy a small smile pushing past him carefully. He stares at me like I'm crazy.

"This isn't your dorm." The guy says confused, his voice deep and rough. I look at him with a giggle snapping my hands in front of my brother so he's looking at me and not the tv. "Bro control your chick," The guy says grumpy staring at me making my brother laugh.

"Sto mangiando, vuoi venire con me?" I ask my accent pushing through. He looks up at me, turning off the tv and getting up with a nod.
{t-I'm eating, do you want to come with me?}

"Yes, Reed you want to go get food with me and my sister." My brother says with a laugh making Reed's eyes go wide.

"This, this is your sister." He says with a smirk. "Damn." He whispers causing me to roll my eyes. "Ya, I'll come." He smiles at me.

Passing him I pull out my keys to my white jeep. I walked to the elevator as they followed. We all got on as Reed's phone went off. "Shit, Do you guys mind if my brother comes?" He asks reading off a text, my brother says of course not. I shrug my shoulders not caring as long as I get food.


hope you enjoy part 1!!
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