00:10 || hosting

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          I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make many mistakes, I am always out of control and hard to handle. But if you can't handle me when i'm at my worse. Then why should I show you my best. That is why people call me a monster, not because of who I am. No. Because of the person I choose to let them see.

-♘𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕛𝕒𝕙 𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕪♘

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-♘𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕛𝕒𝕙 𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕪♘

          The Scarlet dinners, every season. 4 times a year, each mafia host one dinner to discuss business. Each leader brings two inner circle members, parents, and of course your dates to attend. It has been tradition from the earliest days. This season it was my turn to host.

My mafia or the East always host in the Fall. The North Winter, The south Spring, The West summer.

It was planning time which meant that my uncle was going crazy making sure everything was planned perfect.

I sat eating breakfast as my uncle walks in. His black hair slicked back yet still a mess. "Eli" He mumbles pushing a phone in front of my face causing me to stop eating and look at it. I sigh when I realized it was just a lot of plans for the dinner.

"You know I don't care Uncle Teo," I start but he cuts me off by shushing me. His brown eyes narrow at me.

"You need to send out the invitations so we know how many people are coming, Eli." He mumbles randomly pointing at the phone that gave no information, it was just a list of names

"Teo. You do it, I have more important stuff to do.." I sigh looking at my watch. I mumble a fuck as I put my food away. My uncle comes at me with a stack of invites.

"Give these out today," He smiles rubbing my hair messing it up. I slap his arm away.

"Don't we have people to do that?" I say annoyed but he gives me a mean glare and I just don't want to deal with this, "Fine." I mumble shoving the invites into my bag. He smiles as he walks out of the room.


I walk to my car which was parked out front. I open the door getting in and driving off to school. I see Oakley walking with just Hannah. Perfect. I stop my car next to her opening the passenger door. "Get in blondie." I say with a smirk as she leans over.

"How dumb do you think I am?" She says with a glare. Her curly blonde hair in a lose bun. I watch as her hazel eyes stared at me with anger. Hannah stands behind her sending me hateful stares as well.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" I hum at her causing heat to flare to her face.

"No but," She sighs frustrated.

"Get in, I have business. Actually business." I smile at her as she debates whether to get in or not.

"If anyone ask where I am Hannah, say you don't know please." She whispers as she sighs getting in. "Just so you know, I have a knife on me so if you try anything! I mean anything. I will stab you in the dick." She threatened causing me laugh at her. She rolls her eyes as I start driving. I drive to the East side, pulling up to a dinner that my uncle always takes me. Oakley eyes me weirdly.

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