Part 4

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"I know neither you nor I will shine in comparison to Jane, but perhaps our being near her may enable her to catch Mr Bingley's eye all the sooner," Elizabeth was saying, as she and Charlotte weaved their way back through the crowd to join Jane.

"Or his friend," Charlotte volunteered, her voice little more than a whisper. It was then that Lizzy noticed, for the first time, the unearthly silence that had fallen over the hall. The room was crowded, but there had been a pointed and considerable drop in conversation, and Lizzy frowned, lifting her head to peer over the heads of her neighbours to see if she could distinguish its cause. A whisper at her elbow saved her the trouble as a particularly knowledgeable Mama clutched tightly to her daughter and began giving her a thoroughly appraising look.

"...Mr Bingley and his friend Mr Darcy, either of which would be a fine prospect for you, my dear - no, stop fidgeting -"

Mr Darcy? Lizzy's blood ran cold so suddenly and completely that she felt herself sway and were it not for Charlotte standing solidly beside her she might have fainted.

"Lizzy?" Charlotte asked, her curiosity overcome with concern for her friend. She shook Lizzy, lightly but persistently, and hissed a question at her. "Are you quite well?"

This was all it took to enable Lizzy to regain control over herself and she nodded, straightening and taking in a fortifying breath.

"Quite well, just a little overcome with the heat."

"Well, then, for goodness sake do not let us go further into the crowd!" Charlotte said, sensible to the last. "Come, we ought to return to Mary, although she seems to have disappeared as well. Anyone would think you Bennet sisters despise each other, with your determination to remain parted on evenings like this. Let us take a turn out of doors and enjoy the cool air before the dancing begins."

Lizzy's mind was blank of an argument - a rare experience for her- and so it was that Charlotte began steering them both to the door almost before Lizzy could stop her. The crowd that had grown silent proceeded at that moment to part and Lizzy and Charlotte found themselves thrust into the gap. Lizzy's eyes scanned it, hoping and praying to avoid that which she now knew she could not. Darcy. He was here, then, for reasons she could not even begin to comprehend, and worse, they could now no more avoid meeting again than if they were the only two people in the room.

Well, if he must see me, he might at least see me well! Lizzy thought, determined once more to be mistress of herself and her actions. She straightened, fixing her expression into the merest hint of a smile, and met Mr Darcy's eyes without flinching. He seemed at least as stunned to see her as she was to see him, and she could not help but register the tiniest victory that it was he who was the first to look away.

Charlotte curtseyed as the pair passed the arriving party, and almost immediately the dread moment was over. There was no introduction made, for which Lizzy was only too grateful. What could she say? Oh Mr Darcy, how wonderful to see you again? A lie. How long has it been? Three years? Five? He might have forgotten the passage of time but she never could, and if pressed could recite every moment they had spent together all those years ago. It was but a handful, she reminded herself. Doubtless meaning far more to me than they ever could to him.

"Lizzy, are you quite sure you are well?" Charlotte asked when they reached the entrance hall and were no longer surrounded by their fellow revellers. "It is cooler out here, at least, and we are still sheltered from the elements." She reached a companionable hand to Lizzy's cheek. "You look quite flushed. Perhaps I should fetch Jane or Mrs Bennet -"

"No!" Lizzy said, batting Charlotte's hand away and smiling so widely that her cheeks ached. "I am quite well, Charlotte. Only a little disappointed at dragging you away from the dancing. Go back inside, won't you? You need not miss the first dance on my account."

Charlotte hesitated, evidently unwilling to leave her friend alone.

"Surely you will want to come too, to see who Mr Bingley engages first? And his friend - goodness what a scowl he wears." She smiled mischievously at Lizzy. "As if he thoroughly disapproved of us all on sight. I do not suppose either you or I were pleasing enough to win his good opinion, Lizzy!" She sighed. "What a pity. Ten thousand a year, they say, and he could be rather handsome if only he could be taught to smile..."

Lizzy's own expression grew desperate and she dropped her chin to her chest, praying Charlotte was too engaged in sharing her first impressions of Mr Darcy and the rest of the Bingley party to notice.

Darcy had smiled once, when she had known him before, and it had greatly improved his countenance. I do not suppose either you or I were pleasing enough to win his good opinion, Lizzy! Charlotte had said. I suppose not, Lizzy reflected, recalling the way Darcy's dark eyes had burned with shock and anger as he fixed them on her. She might have had his good opinion once, even dared to dream she had possessed his heart. But that was a long time ago. Things were very different now.

An End to Estrangement - A Pride and Prejudice VariationWhere stories live. Discover now