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"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE ." I screamed loosing control on myself. I don't know what happened its just that, everything blanked out in front of me and all i can see was her face .

Rage surged through my body, staring at her ....she looked just the same , but this time feelings were completely opposite .

I almost felt satisfied as she flinched at my words . Her eyes widen as she started stuttering through her words .

I wasn't even listening to her or better i just can't listen to her .

I glared at her maliciously , if glares can kill then she will be 6 feet under the earth right now.

But, bad luck they can't. I heard the door being banged open and shifted my glare to Mr kim, who looked panicked and confused at the same time.

"W..what happened ?" He asked looking at me .

"Get her out of here and then we can have a nice talk Mr kim." I said much more calmly.

"But sir.." I cut him off and raised my hand in motion for him to look at me was enough for him ...he quickly ushered her out of my cabin before entering again and closing the door behind him.

I sighed while sitting down on my chair and rubbed my forehead..."What is wrong sir ?" He asked.

I looked up at him eyes narrowed "You don't know what is wrong ?...why the fuck was that women here ? know very well , what she did and after all that still you had guts to ask what is wrong ?"

He smiled ...he fucking smiled and then set down on the chair in front of me. "I never knew that you would react like this."

"What the heck, does that suppose to mean ?" I asked still glaring at him.

"It means that, its time for you to move on and face your fear. You already have a wife and you are happy with her . So, why not show it to every damn person ..who hurt you in the past them , how happy you are ?..that, they don't matter anymore ." He sighed before continuing.

"I never thought you would react like this , chang wook pull yourself together , its your chance to be happy and not get frustrated from those who don't even matter anymore."

I didn't know what to say ...what he said was technically right . He stood up and walked towards the door and said "Think about it ...i will tell her to come again tomorrow." With that he was out of my cabin.

I rubbed forehead before sighing , I just really want to go back home right now ...far away from here, i really just want the comfort of my wife she is my escape from this world .

I just need to calm myself down and finish all this work before i can get ready to go back to my safe heaven .


It was 7 in the evening when i finally got back home . As i entered in the living room , i heard ajhumma calling after me "Should i prepare a coffee or would you like to have a dinner first ?"

"Arrange the table i will be having dinner first...what about yoona is she done with her dinner ?" I asked, while taking of my neck tie.

"No, she was waiting for you ." I just nodded at her before heading towards our room.

As soon as i entered in our room, i was tackled in a tight hug and here comes my sweet heaven . I hugged her back tightly "I missed you ." She mumbled in her baby voice and she does this quiet a lot nowadays .

"I missed you more." I whispered while kissing top of her head softly.

She slowly released me looked at me as if trying to figure out something ."Hmmm, why do i think your day wasn't really, good."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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