Heart Shaped Box

625 16 13

July 2 2019

Smackdown Live was officially Kicking Off the Episode with Alex Ambrose going one on One against AJ Styles as Alex was Taping his hands up and was preparing his entrance

Alex made his entrance as he raised the world championship in the air and waited for Styles.

Styles made his entrance as He was smiling at Ambrose. The match was about to start but there was no referee until

Nikki Bella was wearing a referee outfit and doing her dance as Alex was smiling at her. The Bell rang and Alex and Styles went one on one with chops and punches as Both of them were hitting each other with moves but alex grabbed him and hit a

 The Bell rang and Alex and Styles went one on one with chops and punches as Both of them were hitting each other with moves but alex grabbed him and hit a

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Alex pinned him but he kicked out as Alex climbed on the top rope and hit a

Alex pinned him but he kicked out as Alex climbed on the top rope and hit a

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Alex pinned him but Nikki just smiled at alex as Alex was looking at her. Styles tried to roll alex up and nikki tried to do a Fast count But Alex Kicked out and Styles hit a spinning heel kick.

Ten Minutes Later

Styles was going for a flying forearm but Alex hit a drop kick and Styles rolled out of the ring as Alex hit a

Styles was going for a flying forearm but Alex hit a drop kick and Styles rolled out of the ring as Alex hit a

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