Chapter 2

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"Daehwi. When are you coming?" Jinyoung asked the younger over the phone. He was in front of the younger's house, waiting for him. "I'm coming hyung." Daehwi replied, then hung up afterwards. After 5 minutes or something Daehwi finally came out of the house. "What took you so long?" Jinyoung questioned as soon as Daehwi got into the car. "I woke up late." Daehwi quickly replied back, buckling the car belt.

After 25 minutes of driving, they finally reached hell- I mean school. Daehwi went to his locker while Jinyoung went to his. Just as he opened his locker, it was forcefully shut which made him flinch. He looked at the culprit and it was Hyunsuk. "Y-you." "Yes me. Didn't I tell you to not tell anyone about what you saw yesterday?" "I-I didn't tell anyone." "Stop lying Bae. The principal knows it and the only person who saw me was you." Hyunsuk said. Suddenly the principal appeared from God knows where. "Mr. Yoon. In my office now." The principal said and left. "I'll deal with you later." Hyunsuk whispered and left.

Jinyoung was standing there, trembling. Suddenly something popped into his head. He ran to Daehwi's locker and luckily he was still there. Jinyoung grabbed the younger by his arm and turned him around. "Did you tell anyone about what I told you yesterday?" Jinyoung questioned. He felt angry that Daehwi broke his promise. "N-no. Of course not." Daehwi cursed himself for stuttering. "Don't lie to me Lee Daehwi." Jinyoung said and Daehwi felt his blood turn cold. If Jinyoung called someone by their full name then that means he is really angry. "I told only Woong." Daehwi said, his head down, feeling ashamed for breaking a promise. Jinyoung let go of Daehwi's hand and scoffed. "Thanks Daehwi." Was all that Jinyoung could say before he left. Daehwi felt guilty for not keeping the promise.

~Time Skip~

It was already lunch and Jinyoung was making his way to the cafeteria when three boys, two of them nearly the same height the other shorter than them, came in front of him. Kim Seunghun, Lee Byounggon and Kim Yonghee. Hyunsuk's best friends. "What are they doing here? Didn't they graduated college last year?" Jinyoung thought. "Where do you think you are going?"Seunghun asked, all three smiling mischievously. "T-to the cafeteria." Jinyoung said. "Fuck me and my stuttering problem." He thought. "Well now you're not going to the cafeteria. You are coming with us." Seunghun said grabbing Jinyoung by the collar and basically pulling him behind the school.

"He is here." Seunghun said as he threw Jinyoung on the floor. "Ya know what to do, right?" Hyunsuk simply asked and the three boys smirked before kicking Jinyoung. Jinyoung curled into a ball trying his best to protect himself but alas. He felt weak. So he gave up. "Hyunsuk. I think he passed out." He heard one of them said. He felt so tired and weak that he couldn't clearly understand what they were saying. The last thing he heard was let's go before he passed out.

Jinyoung woke up at the same place he was brought. He sat up and pressed his back against the wall. He couldn't feel anything apart from pain. Everywhere hurts. He stood up, one hand on his stomach and the other on the wall, trying to keep his balance. They hit him so hard that the boy was practically limping. Fortunately he reached to the nurse office without anyone seeing him. When he opened the door, he saw Hyunsuk instead of the nurse. Jinyoung was about to leave, since he didn't want to face Hyunsuk, but he was stopped by the devil himself. "Come inside." Jinyoung cursed himself for being so loud. He turned around and entered the room.

"Sit." Hyunsuk said. Jinyoung didn't want more trouble so he just did what the younger asked him. He sat on the bed, glancing at Hyunsuk, who was searching for something. "Can you stop staring at me?" Hyunsuk suddenly asked. Jinyoung's eyes went wide then quickly turned to his right. "I-I'm not staring a-at you." Jinyoung managed to say through his pain. "What the fuck? He didn't even look at me. How did he know that I was looking at him?" The older mumbled to himself.

"Even I don't know how I did that. I just felt a pair of eyes on me." Hyunsuk suddenly replied. "W-what?" "I answered your question." "B-but i didn't ask any question." "I have good ears. And you were saying it loudly." Hyunsuk said with a shrug. "Anyways." The younger said as he turned around with a first aid kit in his hand.

He sat down next to Jinyoung and placed the box on his lap. He took out a piece of cotton and a bottle of alcohol. "Stay still." Hyunsuk said while wetting the cotton then dabbing it on his bruises. Jinyoung hissed in pain. "Oh sorry." Hyunsuk said, blowing gently on it while dabbing the bruise again. Jinyoung found himself staring at the younger. It's the first time he was this close to the younger. His features look more sharper up close.

"Like what you see?" Hyunsuk suddenly asked, which startled Jinyoung, still looking at the bruise. "W-what? What are you talking about?" Jinyoung said acting like he didn't know that he was staring. "Don't play dumb. I know you were staring at me. Even your red cheeks agree with me." Hyunsuk said, finally looking at Jinyoung. The older, noticing how close their faces were, turned to look in another direction.

"Well. I'll leave now. You should rest." Hyunsuk said putting the first aid kit back in its place and was about to leave when "wait." "What?" "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you make your little gang beat me then you are the one who treated my wounds?" Hyunsuk sighed turning around to look at the older. "There are things that need to be left unknown." With that Hyunsuk left the older, who had a puzzled look on his face, trying to figure out what the younger meant by that. "This guy is a real mystery." Jinyoung sighed, laying on the bed.


Jinyoung woke up when he felt someone shook him. He sat up and rub his eyes. He tried to open his eyes but the light prevented him to do so. After a few seconds he finally adjusted his eyes to the light and look to his right, to see Hyunsuk sitting on the chair beside the bed. "What time is it?" Jinyoung asked in a husky voice. "It's time to go home." "WHAT?!" "Yah! Don't yell. I got your things here." Hyunsuk said giving the older his bag. "Anyways my dad wanted to meet you and you probably know why. And he already informed your dad. Oh and you'll be staying at my place tonight so that you can adjust yourself after the uhm you know the marriage." Hyunsuk explained the older who seemed to be processing what he just heard. "WHAT?!" "Stop yelling for fuck sake." "Oops. Sorry." Jinyoung giggled at Hyunsuk's pissed face. "I mean why should I stay at your place?" The older whined. "Uhm because my dad said so." Hyunsuk said, sounding more like he was asking a question. "Urgh. Let's go." Jinyoung said getting off the unusually comfortable bed.

NOTE: So.....I know that I've been addressing Jinyoung as "the older" even tho the two are the same age. But just know that even tho it was mentioned they are both 18 Jinyoung's birthday is still in May and Hyunsuk in September, making Hyunsuk younger by 4 months I guess. So don't get confused!!

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