Chapter 7

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It's been a few weeks since Hyunsuk and Jinyoung got married and the older noticed that Hyunsuk changed. He would behave coldly towards him. The younger would sometimes insult Jinyoung and would tell him to fuck off everytime Jinyoung wanted to cuddle. And it hurted him. But Jinyoung was a naive boy. Everytime Hyunsuk would've apologised and say that he was stressed and Jinyoung forgave him everytime. But it changed when...

"When will I get the fucking money?" Hyunsuk half yelled. Jinyoung who was passing by heard it and being the curious person he is, he decided to listen to the conversation. If only he didn't let his temptation get the best of him. But everything happen for a reason.

"I successfully completed the bet." "What bet?" Jinyoung thought. "Stop playing dumb with me Kim. The one to make Jinyoung fall for me in two weeks. It's already been two months and I still didn't receive the money." And that was it. Jinyoung's heart was broken to pieces(along with mine). Tears started streaming down his cheeks. "W-was I a bet?" Jinyoung asked as he entered the living room. "W-what? No bab-" "ANSWER ME HONESTLY HYUNSUK." Jinyoung yelled now standing in front of Hyunsuk. "Yes. The bet was to make you fall in love with me." Every words that Hyunsuk spat out was like poison.

"Y-you never l-loved me, did you?" Jinyoung felt weak. He couldn't face Hyunsuk anymore so he looked down."Of course not. You are so fucking dumb Bae. How could you even think I, Yoon Hyunsuk, a fucking mafia and the son of a billionaire, would love someone like you, out of thousands beautiful girls that are willing to date me." Hyunsuk grabbed Jinyoung's hair and pulled his head up, making him look at him. "I fucking hate you Bae. You were just a fucking toy, a fucking pastime. After everything I've done to you, you still believed that I would love you. How can you be this stupid Bae." Hyunsuk let go of Jinyoung and pushed him down before leaving the broken male alone, crying.

It's been already one hour and Jinyoung was still in the living room, sitting on the floor, his back against the couch while he was staring at the white wall in front of him, blankly. What did he do to deserve this? He went upstairs in his and Hyunsuk's shared room. He opened the door and closed it. "You are a fucking toy, a fucking pastime." This was the only thing Jinyoung could hear. He grabbed his hair and yelled in frustration. "STOP." He screamed and grabbed the vase that was on the table beside the door and threw it on the ground. "SHUT UP. I'M NOT A TOY. " Jinyoung continued yelling, the voices not leaving his head. He grabbed everything that came in his hand and threw it. The pain in his heart was hurting his whole body.

"Why?" Jinyoung couldn't take it anymore. He felt too weak. He fell on his knees, crying his eyes out. "All the promises were fake." Jinyoung remembered the promise Hyunsuk told him and the love bite he made. Remembering this, Jinyoung felt disgusted. Why didn't he found out about Hyunsuk's truth before? Why did he let such a disgusting person like Hyunsuk even touch him? Jinyoung stood up and wiped his tears. He needed something that will make this pain disappear even if it's for a short time period. He went downstairs, put his shoes and grabbed a coat and went to the nearest convenience store.

Jinyoung came back home with 6 bottles of Soju. He took the coat off him and threw it on the ground and took off his shoes. He opened the first bottle and started to empty it.

It was already the sixth bottle and he was already drunk. He made his way in front of the dressing table while slightly swaying in a drunken way. He looked at his reflection in the mirror before laughing. "You are so dumb Bae. How could you not know that Hyunsuk was playing with you?" He was about to fall but he put his hand on the dressing table. "Sorry hehehe." He smiled idioticly and tried standing straight again. "Am I really a toy?" He looked at his reflection, while tilting his head. Jinyoung laughed again. "Oh so you also think I'm a toy. Okay. Now I'm a toy since you say so." He said to himself his smile still on his face.

Suddenly he turned all serious. "Why did you promise me that no matter what happen our relationship won't change? I hate you so much for lying to me Hyunsuk." Jinyoung threw the empty bottle on the mirror breaking both into pieces, yelling a 'Fuck you'. Fortunately Jinyoung didn't get hurt but when he made his way to the bed, the pieces of glasses injuring his feet. But he didn't care. The pain in his heart was much more than the one he was getting now. Jinyoung threw his body on the bed mumbling some inaudible words with his eyes closed.


Hyunsuk was going to take the money at the Kim's house when he received a call from Jinyoung's mother.

Hy: hello?

Jh: oh hello Hyunsuk. I'm sorry for calling you at this time.

Hy: oh no it's fine.

Jh: Hyunsuk, I wanted to talk to you. Jinyoung told me about you sometimes ignoring him. I wanted to tell you to please take care of him. He is a fragile boy. As you know I'm his step mother. And I was there when his mother died. Jinyoung was in great depression and I tried my best to help him get out of this and by experience I can tell you that it's really hard to do so. I don't want this to happen to him again. Please take care of him (just....)

Hy: I'll try my best to take care of him. Don't worry

Jh: Thank you Hyunsuk. I'll go now good bye

Hy: bye

After the call, Hyunsuk decided to go home and check on Jinyoung just in case he do something wrong.

Hyunsuk came home and was welcomed with silence. He went upstairs to check on Jinyoung. The moment he entered the room, he felt guilt washed over him. The room was a mess. Broken glasses everywhere and bottles. Jinyoung was lying on the bed, his feet still bleeding. Hyunsuk couldn't tell if the older was sleeping.

Hyunsuk grabbed the first aid kit and took out the bottle of alcohol(idk if it has a specific name) and cotton. He silently sat down on the bed and wetted the cotton before dabbing it on the wounds. Jinyoung hissed in pain as he retracted them. The older peaked up and smile. "Hyunsuk~" he said as he tried to sit up. Jinyoung looked around the room for a few second and smiled. "You see these broken pieces of glasses?" Jinyoung asked pointing at the mirror he broke earlier, his eyes half opened. Hyunsuk turned his head looking at the glasses anxiously, knowing what was coming up next. After a short pause he talked again. "This is how my heart is right now. Into billion of pieces. And you know who did that? You. I'm not mad at you. It has to be like that. I'm a toy after all."

"You know who told me that. Him." Jinyoung said pointing at the broken mirror and giggled. "Shh. Don't tell him that I told you." Hyunsuk felt guilty but why. Maybe he is-. Hyunsuk shook his head. "No I can't be. Stop thinking of that Hyunsuk. What's done is done." Hyunsuk mumbled. "Go to sleep Jinyoung." "Nooooooo." The older whined. Hyunsuk stood up and lightly pushed Jinyoung down on the bed. He sat back down on the bed and slowly removing the pieces of glasses. "It hurts." Jinyoung said while pouting. "I know baby. Please be patient." Hyunsuk was so concentrated that he didn't notice what he said.

Jinyoung giggled. "Say that again." "What?" "Call me baby(stan exo lol) again." "W-why?" "Aish nevermind." He closed his eyes. "Good night." Jinyoung said in a cute voice and turned around. By now Hyunsuk was already done. He was putting bandages to cover the wounds. After he was done, he immediately left.

Still smiling in his sleep, Jinyoung said to himself, "Everyone who I love leave me. I miss you eomma." He felt asleep still mumbling some inaudible words.

You cried right?
Okay I'm sorry(nvm I'm not)
As you all know I prefer angsty plus happy ending books
Don't worry Jinyoung will be fine :)
Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter
If you did then don't forget to comment and vote
Love you all❤


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