Chapter 11

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After Jinyoung fell asleep, Hyunsuk sat up and look at the older sadly. He caressed Jinyoung's cheek lightly and smiled sadly. "I don't know what we are yet." There was a small pause. "But I can surely say that our story isn't like Peter and Tinkerbell. I don't know if we will have a happy ending like the one in fairy tales but I can tell you that it won't be a bad ending either. Don't worry Jinyoung. I'll figure everything out. I promise you that." Hyunsuk didn't even realise that he was crying.

He got up from the bed and went on the balcony. He looked at the moon, that was shining brightly, and sighed. "I don't want to do this again. What if the same thing happen again?" He sighed once again then looked at Jinyoung for a brief moment then back at the moon. "Why do I feel that there's something different about him? Why he is always the one in my dream? Why do I feel loved and cared when I'm with him only? What are you doing to me Bae Jinyoung?(these oblivious teenager I tell you smh) I hate this feeling." Hyunsuk just wanted the answers to these questions. He never felt this way before. Not even with her. It was all new and puzzling to him. He couldn't take it anymore. All these confusions was driving him crazy. Hyunsuk just wanted to solve everything. He didn't like being in confusion. "I should talk to someone." Hyunsuk told himself and the only person that crossed his mind was Minjun.

Hyunsuk went back to bed. He decided to talk to the younger tomorrow since he must be busy with his personal things. Hyunsuk looked at the male that was sleeping quite uncomfortably on his bed. Hyunsuk helped Jinyoung lay properly on the bed and covered him with the duvet before climbing on the bed. He took some seconds to look at Jinyoung. "I'm sorry." He whispered and kiss Jinyoung on his forehead then went to sleep.

~Time skip~

Hyunsuk woke up and the first thing he thought of was talking to Minjun. He looked to his side and Jinyoung was still there, sleeping. "Everything will be fine Jinyoung. I promise I'll solve everything." Hyunsuk whispered stroking Jinyoung hair. Hyunsuk swore that his heart skip a beat as he looked at the said male. The older looked so ethereal. His beautiful red lips pushed out. His soft skin glowing as the sunlight gently kissed it. His black hair  lightly covering his eyes. And his cute button nose scrunched up as the light hit his face. Hyunsuk had so many reasons to just sit there and admire Jinyoung. But suddenly he felt sad. "Why did you have to fall for me Jinyoung? I'm the one who hurt you yet you still love me? How?" Hyunsuk sighed and went to the bathroom.

After showering, Hyunsuk came back inside the room and grabbed a pair of black ripped jean, a black plain shirt and a black denim jacket to finish the look. He put on his shoes and looked at Jinyoung again. He smiled and approached the older. Hyunsuk bent down and kissed Jinyoung on the forehead. After that he left and sent a message to Minjun asking the latter to meet him at the cafe near the park.


"Hyunsuk." Hyunsuk looked up from his phone to see Minjun standing in front of him. He was currently in the cafe. "Oh Minjun take a seat." Hyunsuk said. Minjun took a seat in front of Hyunsuk. "I ordered a latte for you." The older said while pointing at the drink in front of the Minjun. "Thank you. So what do you want to talk about?" Minjun asked taking a sip from his drink. "I don't know how to start this." Hyunsuk sighed. There was a long pause before the older spoke again. "I've been having this weird feeling whenever I'm with Jinyoung and I'm honestly really confuse. I never felt this way before. Not even when I was with her. I'm scared and I hate these confusing emotions. It's really annoying"

Minjun chuckled at Hyunsuk's expression. "Oh my God Hyunsuk, I thought you were intelligent but guess you turned out to be dumb. I mean how can you be this oblivious?" Minjun laughed. "What do you mean by that?" Hyunsuk questioned, feeling a bit offended when Minjun called him dumb. "Okay so can you describe the feelings you've been having?" "I don't know. I feel loved and cared whenever I'm with him. I always smile around him. He never fails to make my heart skip a beat. I love the way he used to blush when I complimented him. I love the way he used to ask me for cuddles. I love watching his beautiful face early in the morning when I wake up. I love everything about him. In all I just It can't be possible." Hyunsuk gasped.

"Yes, you are in love Hyunsuk." The older's eyes went wide. "N-no it can't be." "Well you are and that to with Jinyoung." Minjun excitedly said taking another sip from his latte. "What should I do?" "Good question. Maybe you should apologise to Jinyoung and tell him how you feel." By now Hyunsuk was sure that he was on panick mode. "Oh my God...I'm scared. Maybe he won't forgive me. What should I do? I can't eve-" Hyunsuk was cut off again by Minjun's laughter. "Hyunsuk you should literally just see your face. You look like those teenage girls who wants to confess to their crush."

Minjun stopped laughing when he noticed Hyunsuk looking at him with a 'Bitch shut the fuck up before I kill you' face. "I'm sorry." Minjun said trying to put on a serious expression but he ended up laughing again. "Oh my God Minjun stop laughing. I need advices right now." "Okay okay. I got an idea."

After explaining the plan to Hyunsuk, they both went to the mall to buy the things they needed.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter
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love you all❤


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