Chapter 20

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Two months had passed and there was still no trace of the man's location. On the other hand, Jinyoung's condition had worsened. He started avoiding Hyunsuk and the others, he would always stay in his room and he looked startled and frightened most of the time. At night Hyunsuk would always woke up by Jinyoung's cries and whimpers. He was worried about the older but the latter didn't want to talk about it. It came to a point where Jinyoung had been talking about death or suicide.

As usual, Hyunsuk woke up by Jinyoung's cries. The older was clutching on the blanket while shifting uncomfortably. "Baby. Wake up." Hyunsuk softly shook the male trying to wake him up. Jinyoung suddenly sat up, panting. He looked more frightened than usual. Hyunsuk pulled him in a hug, holding him tightly, afraid that Jinyoung would pushed him away like he usually did. But to his surprise, the older didn't. In fact he hug back, clutching on Hyunsuk. "It's okay baby. I'm here." He whispered softly in his ear while the male cried on his shoulder.

"I didn't kill anyone. It was by accident. I didn't mean to shoot." He whimpered and that's when Hyunsuk realised that Jinyoung had been having nightmares about that incident. "No baby. You didn't do it. It happened by mistake." Hyunsuk comforted Jinyoung. Soon after he fell asleep. Hyunsuk couldn't bare seeing Jinyoung like that, so he decided to bring Jinyoung to a psychologist.

~Time Skip~

"Baby~ wake up." Hyunsuk softly shook the older who was still sleeping. The older shifted around a bit but didn't woke up. "Baby~ come on wake up~" Hyunsuk said again, this time a bit louder. "No~" Jinyoung mumbled, pulling the blanket over him. "Baby~ wake up love." The younger pulled the blanket off the older.

Jinyoung finally gave in and woke up. "Finally. Now go take a bath and come downstairs. We will leave in a few minutes." "I don't want to go anywhere." The older whined, making Hyunsuk sighed. "Baby please. You've been staying in this room for too long." "But I don't want to Hyunsuk." "Baby please. Just this one time. For me please." "Okay." Jinyoung finally agreed. He got out of bed and went in the bathroom.

After 15 minutes later, he came downstairs, with some nice clothes on and went in the dining room where Hyunsuk was waiting for him. He took a seat and started eating. Hyunsuk felt satisfied that he could finally get Jinyoung out of the room but he was scared of the older's reaction when he would find out that Hyunsuk was bringing him to a psychologist without even asking him.

"Come on Hyunsuk. You are doing this for his own good." He thought, trying to convince himself to not feel guilty. "So uhm...where are we going?" Jinyoung suddenly asked, snapping the younger out of his thoughts. "Fuck." He mumbled silently. "Uh...j-just somewhere." He said nervously, hoping that Jinyoung wouldn't ask him more questions. The said male only nodded and continued eating in silent.

The ride to their destination was completely silent. No words were exchanged between them. Neither of the two knowing how to start a conversation. This made Jinyoung realised about how much he distanced himself from the taller boy. He felt guilty because he knew he was hurting Hyunsuk even though the said boy didn't show it. But what could he do? He himself was having trouble to keep his mind in place.

He couldn't talk to anyone because no one would understand the pain that he was going through every nights and the fear of hurting or even losing his loved ones. These nightmares he was having about that certain night was torturing him. He wanted all these to be over.

"We are here." Hyunsuk announced, making Jinyoung look outside. "Why are we here?" He said looking at the building in a questionable manner. Hyunsuk sighed.

"Just come inside you'll find out." "Hyunsuk. I agreed to get out of the damn house to go somewhere nice, not to go to a fucking asylum." Jinyoung replied in an angry tone. "Baby. Just trust me. Please."

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