Chapter 6:

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It is the day of May's funeral. All of the Avengers stand in suits and dresses, the air grim. Happy went and got all of Peter's belongings along with a few things of May's to give to him. Peter looks awful. His suit hangs off of his body, his eyes are puffy and swollen with dark circles around them, and he is shaking uncontrollably. Nat is on his right side and Pepper is on his left. They are being protective mothers, making sure he wont fall or break anymore than he is already. I usher all of the Avengers out of the compound and into cars to drive to the cemetery. Peter said May would want a small funeral, so we are skipping the whole church part. We hired a priest to do a graveside funeral at the cemetery. We end up taking three cars. The first one hosts: Happy, Pepper, Natasha, Peter, and me. We drive in silence, not having any words to say. The funeral consists of: the priest, our whole Avengers crew, May's best friend Janice, and Peter's friends Ned and MJ. I look over at the kid and tears slide down my cheeks. The poor kid has lost everyone he loves.


I close my eyes and count backwards from one hundred. 99, 98, 97. "We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of May Reilly Parker, beloved aunt and guardian to Peter Parker." 96, 95, 94. "The great Lord tells us that in times of trouble..." 93, 92, 91. "...May was an exemplary..." 89, 88, 97. "We were blessed to get to know..." 87, 86, 85. I stop listening. It just feels wrong. I hold onto Nat's arm and open my eyes, hoping I do not look as scared as I feel. I keep counting backwards until I get to 0. Memories flood back. Aunt May reading to me when I was a scared, little, five year old boy thinking about the monsters in my closet. Aunt May hugging me after I was bullied for being adopted in fifth grade, telling me "At least I got to choose you, their parents got stuck with them." Aunt May flipping out when she found out I was Spiderman, but understanding after I explained everything. Aunt May bandaging my cuts after my crime stopping adventures. Aunt May laughing, crying, dancing. Just Aunt May floating in my head. Another panic attack hits me. "No, not here!" I whisper, and Nat grabs me, supporting my weight. Tony comes to my other side, careful not to make a scene. I wheeze as it feels like a building crashes down on me, and. I. Cannot. Breathe. I look into Tony's eyes and he looks just as scared as me. The world goes black as I pass out.


Natasha and I hold the kid up as he passes out. I know the kid would not want to cause a scene at his aunt's funeral, so we stand there. I keep whispering his name in his ear, hoping he will come to. "Peter, kid! Peter! Peter! Kiddo, come on!" He shows no sign of having heard us. They lower the body into the ground and we all start leaving, but the kid is still out. Barnes walks up behind us and grabs Peter into his arms. Ned and MJ run up to us. "Peter, oh my God!" Ned yells. I forget about how I am not the only one who cares for this kid sometimes. "He's okay, he just passed out." I tell them. MJ grabs his hand and Ned hovers nervously over him. "Can we, like, come with you guys, or something?" MJ asks. I tell her they can come, Barnes looks like he is about to kill me. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate? They already know. She hacked into my systems, which I still don't know how, and she knows everything about all of us. She's better a friend than an enemy, and he is Peter's 'Guy in the Chair'," I inform him, but he still does not look too happy about it. The two teens call their parents to get an okay, and we head to the Compound. Pepper decides to ride with Wanda and Vision, and Nat, MJ, and Ned sit in the backseat with Peter laying across their laps. MJ sits in the middle, having the occasional conversation with Nat. I like how MJ treats us, like normal people. She does not freak out like the majority of people when they meet us. When we get to the Compound, I carry Peter inside with everyone following me. I place Peter on his bed and we all huddle worriedly around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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