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Long ago and far away, in a village high on a mountaintop, something amazing was occurring. At the very same moment, two identical baby boys were born. One, a baby prince. The king and queen were overjoyed. Prince Jason would have only the finest. The second baby boy was named Percy. His parents loved him every bit as much as the king and queen loved the prince, but they worried. They were so poor. How would they be able to care for their little son?

Many years passed. The prince learned his royal duties, while Percy worked long and hard as a seamster for the spiteful Madame Hera. With lives so different, it wasn't surprising that the prince and the pauper never met. But fate decreed they would.

It all started at the royal mine, where the miners informed Queen Beryl the gold had run out. The widowed queen was shocked. The kingdom was now bankrupt. How was she going to take care of her people? If only she could call on her trusted adviser Gaea, but she was away on a long journey. Queen Beryl needed to do something quickly to save the kingdom, but what? And then it struck her. Nearby lived a rich young queen who was seeking a husband.

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