Movie night

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The boys left the house around 7 pm, so me and Jaden were alone. It felt so weird. And perhaps I was kind of mad to Josh, for not telling me about that friend they were going to meet. Anyway, there was nothing I could do except wait for them to come back. I stayed in my room and I didn't dare to go into another room.
Around 8 pm Jaden came to my room, having a blanket and popcorns in his hands.

Jaden: Are you ready for a movie night? *he said and smiled*

Jessica: Totally, yeah...

Fuck. I had no other choice. But it wasn't actually that bad idea to spend some time with him and get to know him better.
When I was younger I was antisocial so it was really hard for me to make friends. Josh was my first friend ever. Luckily, he's a good person. So even nowadays, in some moments, I still have problems with communication with people. I'm always shy, I always think that I'm going to say something stupid and then regret it. That's why I didn't want to spend time with Jaden, ALONE, just because I felt fear of that he will not like the real person I am. I was also very emotional, so yeah, I was pretty fucked up.

Me and him went to the living room. I couldn't believe my eyes... It was so so beautiful! He made a surprise for me:

 It was so so beautiful! He made a surprise for me:

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I mean... LOOK AT THAT! I think he was expecting it to be like a date... But still it was amazing! We sat and started to watch some Netflix movie, we ate pizza, popcorns, almost every food that we found in the house.
And then every girl knows that moment when a guy pretends that he's tired and he yawns, and then puts him arm around her... That is exactly what Jaden did.

Jessica: Are you tired? If you want we can continue with the movie tomorrow

Jaden: No, no! It's fine

Or was that yawning an excuse for you to hug me?

Maybe *he smiles*

Ohh Jaden...

Is it bad that I did it?

No, I just... Look, I do know that you like me, it's just that... I don't want to hurt you Jaden

You can't hurt me in any way

I'm giving you some fake hopes every day... I don't like you the way you like me

I kind of knew that. If you liked me you would have asked me if I like you, or at least wanted to spend more time with me

Don't be mad at me...

I will never be mad at you. And it doesn't matter what you are telling me right now - I will ALWAYS wait for you. Even if I have to wait 10 years for you to start liking me, I will *He looks straight in my eyes*

Hearing those words was one of the hardest moments in my life. How could he be so much in love with me?
I hugged him and we stayed like that for a long time. Then I heard the boys coming inside the house, so I went to see them.
But one thing was for sure - if I was not interested in Jaden before, I definitely was after those words.

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