Chapter 16: all the POVs

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I was about to ask Ashton why he looked so mad, but he turned and walked out of the room. When I looked back at Kade, he was smirking at the retreating Ashton, he saw I was looking at him and quickly smiled at me. Okay then. The bell sounded and we all left class, I made my way to my bike and started for home. When I pulled up my driveway I turned to look at Ashton's house and he pulled into his driveway. When he got out of his car, we made eye contact for a minute, he sighed and walked into his house. That guy confuses me.

A/N this next part I'm gonna put in different POVs because I kinda made the people I based these characters on mad. So this is my 'I'm really sorry for making you mad' gift to them, hopefully they will forgive me and Emily just pretend Luke is someone else or whatever.

Gabby's POV

Ever since Michael and I got back together we have be inseparable. Every day after school we at at one of our houses. Tonight we are going to my house to dye our hair bright pink. When we walk in, Michael walks stright into the kitchen. He makes as a pizza and grabs drinks. As soon as we started dating he made himself at home at my house. We walk up to my bedroom, I'm really glad that I'm an only child and my parents work all the time, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed.

He walks into the adjoining bathroom and grabs our hair dye. We sit on my bed next to each other and eat pizza and watch Supernatural. When we finish, Michael turns on some Queen and we start dancing. He starts doing this weird dance with his hands. (A/N the video above is his dance moves) I starts laughing at him which causes him to starts laughing too. He grabbed my hands and we started waltzing to a song that you probably shouldn't waltz to. After Michael tried to dip me and I ended up on the floor is when we decided to start dyeing our hair.

First I bleached Michaels hair and while that was on his head, he bleached my hair. Then I helped him rinse his head over my sink and while I was doing that I started tickling his neck and he giggled. Then he helped me, I then put the bright hair dye onto his head and he did the same to me. We then went and played Mario kart until it was time to wash out the dye. After we both had our had washed out, my sink was now bright pink and there was hair dye everywhere.

Now we are sitting on my bed, and both of our heads are wrapped up in towels, Michael said that if I was gonna do it then he had to also. After a while I took off the towel and combed my hair, Michael kinda just tilted his head until the towel fell to the ground. And his hair was a mess, so me being the nice girlfriend that I am, combed his hair for him. And let me tell you it looked funny when its flat. We then finished the night with watching 22 jump street. By the end credits, we had both fallen asleep. I used his chest as a pillow, and it was really comfy.

Taylor's POV

When Calum and I got out of school we ran to my car and headed to my house. On the way there we sang at the top of our lungs to some Elvis. When we got to my house, I grabbed for the door handle, only to be stopped by Calum. "Um why did you stop me, aren't we going inside?"

Calum gulped loudly "Ah well, you see, we have a problem here."

"And what problem is that?" I think I knew where this was going.

"I saw your neck when you turned your head and now I'm thinking of lots of things I could be doing to you."

Ahhh I see, " Well Calum, I'm sorry for your issue, but I'm not gonna fix that for you tonight." I then opened my door and ran for my house. I knew that Calum didn't like that answer because I could hear him running after me.

"Taylor!" He yelled as I ran down the hallway to my room. I quickly jumped onto my bed and grabbed the bible that was in the desk next to my bed. I flipped to a random page and pretended to read it while Calum ran in. He gave me a look than walked to the end of the bed and jumped on. He then had to be a horny teenager and start ri crawl towards me. Finally I dropped the bible when he started laying on me. I mean can't a girl find Jesus without her boyfriend wanting to frackle. He then started kissing my neck and things got heated quickly. Them bing bang boom.... Frackle.

Emily's POV

Luke gave me a ride home after school and we walked into my house and had some banana bread. My mom came out as we were eating and huged Luke, then she started talking about farts and Luke started choking. So that was my cue for us to go outside.

We walked down the side of the hill next to my house and I bet him that I could climb a tree faster than he could. He doubted me, and that was his first mistake. He might be a foot and a half taller than me but he isn't that bright sometimes. His second mistake was when we were climbing said tree, he forgot that he was a beast of a man and ended up hitting his head on a tree branch and falling. The funny part was that instead of falling to the group his foot got caught on some robe I forgot that I put up here, so he kinda just hung there above the ground.

I jumped down and stood face to face with him, his face was getting red from either embarrassment or blood rushing to his head. He smiled "Ah can you help me down?" I laughwd at him and cut him down from the tree. He ended up falling on the ground and his quiff getting all messed up. He started whining do I tool him inside and we went up to my room where I couched him on all the different robins there is. It was pretty awesome.

And to end off this amazing day we sat outside on the roof and had a spitting contest.

I won.

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