Chapter 2: My Seaside Memory

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You can play the music while reading if you'd like it.

Your  POV

You threw the bow of the violin at the door and it got stuck there. With a chilling voice, you spoke,"You dare spy on us, human?"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I-I just heard a beautiful music..." All the noise from the rambling of the human slowly dissipated as you glanced at the silhouette of a girl in the corner near the door. You couldn't see her eyes as it was being covered by her black hair but she mockingly smiled at you before disappearing.

You suddenly felt enraged.

You couldn't understand why but the feeling was there and you couldn't control it. Your head started to hurt as your eyes started changing colors again. You walked towards the door as the world around you seemingly turned red which angered you more.

Sliding the door open, you saw the human standing there sweating a little. She was talking but you couldn't hear a word she was saying. Uncontrollably, you suddenly slapped her.

She fell to the ground as she looked at you with surprised eyes. The way she looked angered you more. You suddenly felt detached from your body as you watched yourself sit above her and started hitting her.

Blurry images popped in your head one after another as you started hearing screams, pitiful cries, and sadistic laughing. You clutched your head, trying to drown the noise. You felt as if you were a ghost as you watched yourself beating up the girl underneath you. Blood was already dripping down her nose as she tried blocking face hits by shielding herself with her arms that were already red. Tears started to drip down your face as you clutched your head tighter.


"(L/N)-san! Please! Stop!"

I... I don't want to hurt her anymore...


She should just die.

"(L/N) (Y/N)! Stop what you're doing!!"

You suddenly got pushed back and finally, you regained control of your body. You felt exhausted as you leaned at the wall to rest your body. Your surroundings didn't seem red anymore but you felt dizzy. You wiped the tears that slid down your face as you weakly looked at the ground.

You saw Thoth helping the human sit up as you heard footsteps running towards them. It was Apollon and Dionysus. Thoth stood up and looked at you as black dots started invading your vision before passing out.

Yui's POV

I sat at the bed next to where (L/N)-san was laying down on. She had bandages wrapped around her arm tightly as if she doesn't want anyone to see what was underneath it. I looked at her sadly as I remembered what happened a while ago.

Le Flashback

I was shielding myself using my arms as (L/N)-san was hitting me. Her eyes were totally a different color. It wasn't her normal (Eye/Color) eyes but the same colored glowing eyes back when in our first encounter.

I was pleading her to stop but she couldn't hear me as she repeatedly hit me with a big menacing grin. My arms were starting to get weak when a liquid fell on my cheek and slid down my face. I saw tears falling down (L/N)-san's face. It was major contrast to her menacing smile which made me shudder. Nonetheless, I felt pity for her even though I don't know why.

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