Chapter 8: Missing Half

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Your POV

You sat near the window as you looked at the snowy field. You have just woken up from your slumber and the sight of snow falling down from the sky was the first thing that greeted you. You could still remember everything that took place last night vividly. What you didn't remember was how you got into your room but let's not talk about that.

Anyways, you took a shower, wore your school uniform,  and covered your neck with a scarf before going outside. The cold air blew against your face as you walked on the snowy field. As you silently enjoyed the moment, you noticed something flying towards you in the corner in your eye. You stepped back and dodged what seems like a ball of snow. You looked at the direction where it came from and you saw Loki and Takeru throwing balls of snow at each other. You continued walking towards the school and to the music room.


You sat on the floor at the rooftop of the school, thinking about what kind of booth you should set up. You couldn't think about anything. "Ah. (L/N)," you heard a voice say your name and you looked behind you to see Hades. You remained silent as you looked at the sky once again. "Are you--" Hades sat down beside you-- "thinking about what to do with your booth?" You nodded. "I can't think of what to do with my booth."

"... What do you enjoy doing?"

"I love music. I love playing instruments."

"Then why don't you play an instrument in your booth?"

You remained silent as you pondered about his suggestion. After a moment of silence, you nodded and spoke, "I'll do that then." Hades only remained silent as you looked at you. "(L/N), why do you always avoid me?" His question caught you off guard. You looked away from him. "There's no particular reason," you mumbled.

"I'm your uncle, (L/N), you can always trust me," Hades lamented which made your chest tighten. "I know that and I'm trying my best to trust you. It's just that... there are things I have to figure out right now," you responded before standing up.

"Until then, please wait for me, Uncle."

The sun was about to set and you were already done setting up your booth. You had different kinds of instruments in display; a piano, violin, flute, anything you could think of. The booths were organized according to your origin. Since you were a Greek God, your booth was next to Hades'.

You were now done setting up your booth. You leaned on the tree near the back of your booth and looked up at the sky, it was now sunset. You decided to walk around the perimeter to familiarize yourself with it. You munched on food as you walked around, every booth had their own appeal but nothing really caught your eye. You have already toured your surroundings so you went to the center of the place which was already getting crowded. Students happily chatted with one another which made you feel a little bit envious. "Hello," someone greeted and you looked to your left to see a pair of golden eyes looking back at yours. It was Tsukito.

You acknowledged his presence by saying, "Hello." Your eyes then focused on the stage as you saw Apollon walking. "Hello, Ladies and gentlemen. The day has finally arrived for--" He was cutted off by Dionysus-- "Your talking too much. Hurry it up!" Everybody around you laughed except for Tsukito and you. "Jeez, Dee-Dee... The opening speech is the student council president's job. It's my job," Apollon said before pouting. A countdown sequence took place and you didn't bother participating. "Five, Four, Three, Two, One!" Colorful lights suddenly appeared and lighted the path. It was quite pleasing to look at. "Please excuse me, (L/N) (Y/N). I shall now head to my booth." Tsukito faced you. "If you have the time, please do visit my booth." You nodded and spoke, "I will. If you have the time, please do visit my booth also."

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