Chapter 12: Goodbye and Hello

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Tsukito's POV

"If I understand human emotions, why isn't my shackle gone yet?" (L/N) muttered. "Maybe there's still something in human emotion that you don't understand yet," Mizuko replied. The embodiment of (L/N)'s emotion, Mizuko, floated around the music room happily while (L/N) pondered about what she said. "...Thank you, Tsukito," I heard (L/N) speak softly as she now looked at me. "Thank you for always being there for me." She had a genuine smile on her face. "If ever the time comes that you need someone else to be there for you other than your brother, I am always here." I smiled back at her and spoke, "I'll always keep that in mind, (L/N)." Mizuko suddenly floated in front of me. "That won't do. You two already trust one another so stop calling her by her last name and call her (Y/N)!" Mizuko remarked which made me turn to (L/N) to confirm if it was okay, she smiled and nodded. Her face with a smile, it was dazzling. It made my heart skip a beat once again.

A blinding light suddenly erupted as the sky changed color. It caught our attention and we looked out at the window. "I don't know what that is but I have a feeling that it's not good," Mizuko stated as she floated outside the window to see where it came from. "Can you see where it's coming from?" (Y/N) asked and Mizuko nodded, "It came somewhere near the ocean." (Y/N) nodded and a tremor suddenly happened which made her lose balance. Luckily, I caught her. The walls in the music room started cracking as debris from the ceiling started falling.

"It's not safe here anymore. We should evacuate the building," I spoke and Mizuko nodded, "Let's go." We ran down the halls and climbed down the stairs. We were about to exit the building when we heard pleads from the direction of the classrooms. "Some students must've been trapped, we have to help them," (Y/N) spoke with determination which I couldn't help but agree to. "Seriously, you two, just be a couple already!" Mizuko exclaimed as we ran towards the classrooms.

Your POV

Large pieces of debris blocked the way which made you halt. At the opposite side, students were asking for help. "Ah, I wish I had my scythe right now," you mumbled which was overheard by Mizuko. "Your wish is my command," she spoke before suddenly disappearing in thin air. Before you could even process what happened, Mizuko had appeared once again with your scythe in hand. She gave it you which you grabbed with a confused face. You spun it around before slashing down at the rock. The debris then fell apart and made way for the students. "Hurry. You should get out of here," Tsukito ordered which the students followed without hesitation.

"Mizuko, go check if there are any more students trapped," you ordered. She saluted at you before passing through the walls. After a short while, she came back and informed us that there were no more left. We quickly left the building before it collapsed and head straight to the ocean. Once you three have arrived, you saw Loki and Thor beside the shore. "What is that?" Mizuko pointed up at the sky. There was a ball of light floating above the ocean, beams of light suddenly shot at random directions. You wouldn't have dodged one if it weren't for Tsukito pulling you towards him. "Be careful," he muttered.

You felt immense power being unleashed from inside of you. You touched your head but your shackle wasn't there anymore. You gazed at Tsukito and he also didn't have his shackle in his body anymore. You both nodded at one another before transforming to your God forms.

A bright light enveloped you as you transformed. Your hair grew longer and was now in a half bun while your clothes turned to something similar to the picture below. (I couldn't describe your outfit. I'm sorry.)

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