Chapter 11: Part of Me

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Your POV

You sat at class. Everything was normal now, except for the fact that the entity is now following you around wherever you went. "... Will you ever stop following me?" You mumbled lowly that only the entity could hear you. "Hmm~ Nope! You're so close to finding out about me~ I just can't help but feel excited! Not that you'll understand how excitement feels like," she remarked while floating around. You decided to call this unknown creature a female ghost and she only agreed if you'll call her "Mizuko" which you agreed to.

The school bell rang and you fixed your things. As per usual, you headed to the music room. "Wahh~ I get to see you perform again!" She beamed as she floated around you. You only remained silent as you continued on walking. Once you arrived, you picked up the flute. "Huh...? You're not playing the piano? But... isn't the piano your favorite?" Mizuko mumbled and you explained, "I play different instruments from time to time. Just to make sure I won't get rusty." She nodded while listening. You started playing as Mizuko sat down and looked out the window. While in the middle of playing, you suddenly hit a wrong note which made your concentration falter and stop mid-way. You looked at your hands with disbelief. It wasn't like you to make a rookie mistake. You felt an intense wave of uneasiness wash over you, making you drop the flute to the floor. Mizuko was looking at you, shock evident in her features. She abruptly floated towards you. "(Y/N)! Calm down!" She exclaimed as she shaked your shoulders. You heard voices echoing from every direction telling you that you should be punished for making a mistake.

"You should be perfect in everything!"

"A mistake?! You're so incompetent!"

"What would everyone think when they find out that you made such a rookie mistake? I bet they'll leave!"

The voices taunted you and you couldn't take it. You snapped your head towards Mizuko's direction and she had a worried face. "You... Make it stop! Stop! Make it stop!" You screamed at her while clutching your head, images flashed before your eyes too fast that it made you dizzy. Without even a single hint, you passed out.

Mizuko's POV

I caught (Y/N) when she suddenly passed out. "I didn't expect this to happen. It's too early... it's still too early for her to find out! What if... what if she can't take all the information that her brain blocked?!" I mumbled to myself as I gazed at (Y/N)'s body that I placed on the ground. There should be someone that she trusts wholeheartedly, someone that understands her, won't judge her no matter what, and can be there by her side to comfort her.

..... Tsukito!

The male god's name popped into my mind. I've seen him comfort her back at the Moon-viewing Festival, I'm sure he can comfort her again! I quickly then left the music room to look for him. I passed through walls and floors but I still couldn't find him. "Gah! Where is that guy?!" I exclaimed as I scratched my head. I sighed and when I turned around, I saw the male god walking towards the direction opposite of mine. I made myself be visible to him. I can turn visible or invisible to people's eyes if I want to. I floated towards him and grabbed his uniform which made him halt. He looked at me.

"You--" I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the music room. "Where are you taking me?" He asked while he kept up to my pace. "I'm taking you to the music room. I know I may not have the best reputation to you right now but I need you to save my host," I answered without looking back at him. "... host?" He repeated with a confused voice. "There's not much time for me to explain. I'll explain everything later so please help (Y/N)!" Once we reached our destination, I immediately touched Tsukito's head. "Listen to me, I'm going to connect your consciousness to (Y/N)'s brain. You'll be able to see her memories which she is currently watching as we speak. I need you to comfort her since she can't control her own emotions, that's the only way we can avoid the worst from happening," I explained and he nodded.

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