Chp.1 I kidnap my sister

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So I'm going to be changing the ages up a bit but everything else is the same. Also Percy's sister was born before Percy was kidnapped by a certain Goddess. Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm going to have the young justice or the justice league in the story. Tell me if you think I should put them in.

Percy-16 turning 17
Jason/Red Hood-15
Tim/Red Robin-13


                     POV PERCY

Its been 2 whole weeks since the war that killed them. 10 days since my mother and stepfather were murdered by Tartarus' monsters in front of my little sister. 8 days since they took Estelle away from me. And its been 1 week since I ran away from social serves.

In all honesty, I'm just about ready to give up, end it all. I don't deserve to live. They call me a hero, a saviour, but I'm not. What hero lets their friends die for them? What hero lets their family die for them? I should have died not them. They didn't deserve what they got. Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazle, Nico, Thalia, Clarisse, Luke, Selina, Beckendorf, Conner, Travis, Mom, Paul, and.......Annabeth. My Wisegirl.  How will I live without my Wisegirl? I should just end it all. All the pain. The misery. The agony. The heartache I feel every hour of everyday. But I can't. I can't do it because I promised Annabeth I would keep going on. I can't because I promised Estelle I would find her again. And that's what I'm going to do.

Right now I'm headed to Gotham city. I know, I know. Percy why the heck are you going to the most crime filled city in the world, you may be asking. Well before I got away from the cops I checked Estelle's file and it said they going to send her to an orphanage in Gotham. So off the world's most dangerous city with no money, no food, and no clothes. Yay!

----------Timeskip named Bob----------

    (RIP Bob, the stars say hello)

I thanked the nice couple that had drove me into Gotham as I got out of the car. I had to hitchhike with a couple different people to get here, but finally I was in Gotham.

As I looked around I noticed not many people were out and about. I wonder why? Then I notice the sun setting. Well I guess that's why. I better find a way to not get caught on the streets while its crime hour. Hmm??? I probably should've thought about this before I came. Oh well, maybe I can stay on the rooftops. But first I need to get Estelle out of that orphanage before someone comes looking for an adorable 5 year old to adopt. On the file it said they were going to take her to Sunnyside Orphanage. That's ironic since Gothams never sunny an- ugh stupid ADHD! Anyways, the orphanage is apparently somewhere in the east side of Gotham. Ok well first of all where am I? Ugh why does everything have to look the same?!? I could try looking from the roof tops, it might give me a different perspective of the city.

I go to the nearest alleyway I could find, which was littered with beer bottles and trash. I look to the side of one building to see just what I was looking for. A fire escape. As I get ready to jump up to the latter I see a glass shard that is showing my reflection. I realize I haven't seen my reflection in months. My once mischievous eyes are now a dark cloudy green. My face was almost unrecognizable. My hair was matted and greasy. I almost couldn't find my grey streak from when I held up the sky because of how drity my hair was. I almost looked like Nico. I saddened at the thought of Nico and the streak that only Annabeth and I had. 'Now only I have it. It should've be- No. No Percy don't think about that'. With that I look away and take a deep breath as to calm myself. I jump up to a bar and pull myself up onto the fire escape not making a sound. I make my up to the rooftop and look around. It looks like I shouldn't be too far away.


I finally make it to my sister's orphanage. Now all I have to do is get her out. I look through one of the windows to see around 8 kids from the ages of 4 to 9 getting ready for bed. After a couple minutes I see a girl with her hair in a set of pigtails that curled at the bottom. Her hair was a cinnamon brown color just like my moms. Immediately I knew it was Estelle. When she turned around I felt my blood boil. She was crying and on her face was a purple bruise. I looked more closely at the rest of the children and realized that they also had some cuts and bruises. 'I better get Sofie out if there quick'.

After waiting about an hour and a half for the kids to go to sleep, I snuck in. Opening the window as quietly as possible I scanned the room. There were 6 bunk beds in the room, two being empty and the rest claimed by sleeping children. Quiet as to not wake the older kids, I made my way to my sister's peaceful figure. Shaking her gently I woke her up. Slowly her eyelids fluttered open to reveal her baby blue eyes that look exactly like my mom's. She looked at me for a second before widening her eyes and sitting up.

"Percy! Is that really you!?!"Estelle yells.
"Shhhhhh! You'll wake up the others. And yes it's me. I've come back just like I promised I would" I whisper back. Quickly she hugs me as tears go done her face. "No don't cry. Come on I promised I would come back, didn't I?" I say trying my best to calm her down. She replys" I thought you were dead. I was so scared the monsters got you.". " The monsters didn't get. I'm ok. I'm here now. Now let's get out of here."I say wiping her tears away. She nodds and stands up before quickly crouching down to look under bed. She pulls out a worn out backpack. Eagerly she puts it on her back and we go to the window. I carefully help Estelle out the window and come out after her. I quickly turn around and shut the window before I pick up Estelle and climb up the fire escape with her in my arms.

I make it to the roof and put Estelle down when suddenly I hear something, or more like someone. I turn to the sound and protectivly go in front of Sofie. From the shadows come out four figures with masks. One of them is dressed in blue and black spandex with a blue bird on his chest. The second one was wearing some jeans and a leather jacket with a red shirt under. The third one was wearing a red and black suit with a cap on his back. The last one was wearing a red, yellow , green and black outfit with a katana on his side and cape on his back. They were all definitely younger than me.  But I feel someone else with us.

(A/N fair warning I'm horrible at fight scenes saying that this is my first fanfic. Sorry in advance)

I turn to pick up Estelle and try to make a run for it, knowing something bad was  about to happen. Just as I was about to lift her up, the the blue one throws something at me. Quickly I turned around and caught it. They stood there staring wide eyed at me for a second before moving into action. While the the three shorter ones came to attack me, the blue spandex dude went towards Estelle. Instantly my hand went to my pocket and I pulled out riptide. I silently made myself a reminder to thank Ares(surprisingly) for blessing it so that it would work on mortals. I blocked all of the smallest boys slices and all the gunshots from the leather jackets dude as I intercepted the blue spandex dude from getting to Estelle. Wow I really need to learn their names. Right when the second shortest was going to hit me from behind, I turned and kicked him away. I was fighting all four of them all while keeping Estelle safe. I was starting to get annoyed by now so I quickly knocked out the two shortest ones leaving the leather jacket and blue spandex dude. I turn to them wanting to know why they were attacking us.

"Who are you guys and why are you attacking me?" I yelled trying to speak over the heavy rain fall that I had just noticed was coming down. They both looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement and turning back to me. Leather dude charged me again while Blue tried to get to Estelle again. I quickly dissarmed him and knocked him out cold. I turned rapidly to Blue and Estelle to see her trying to get out of his grasp as he picked up. Finally without any other option I decided to use my powers. I concentrate as I feel a pull in my gut and start controlling the rain around us making it stop. I bend it to try and knock him down when suddenly I feel a pain on the back of my head. I fall to the ground realizing that I had forgotten about the 5th presence from earlier. I see Estelle yell my name as I start to slowly sink into the darkness I've been trying to avoid all week. I turn my head to see a tall figure dressed as a bat. Finally I give in to uncounsiousness fully well knowing the nightmares that are to come.

About 1660 words

Tell me what you think down in the comments. See ya next time.

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