Chp.2 Who is Percy Jackson

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I fogot to say this last time but sadly I don't own any of DC characters or Percy Jackson characters I put in here. Now on with the story.

                     POV DICK

Just as the boy was about to blast me with the water he was somehow controlling, Bruce knocked him out unconscious from behind. The girl I was holding, Estelle I think her name was, had hitten her head trying to escape my grasp and is now unconscious as well.

Gently I put her down and go check on the others. I can't believe that a boy probably not even a year older than me was able to take all of us. One by one I wake up Tim, Damian, and Jason(A/N:They didn't get injured during the fight, just knocked unconscious).A bit dazed Jason asks "What happened?". In reply I say "He beat us, knocked you guys unconscious. He somehow is able to control water. He would've knocked me out too if B hadn't snuck up on him.". I see shock and disbelief written on their faces as I look over to see Batman hand cuffing the boy and picking him up in a fireman's lift.

Remembering about the girl, I turn around to find the spot where I left her empty. "Batman the girl is gone." I inform him, obvious concern lacing my voice. "She must've woken up and gone back to the orphanage." he replies. Still not fully convinced I say "And if she's not at the orphanage, she could be wandering on the streets right now and Gotham is not a safe place for her to be alone.". Seeming to rethink about it Batman says "Fine, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin you will go look for the girl. Nightwing you come with me back to the batcave so we can interrogate the boy.". We all nod and were about to split up when Jason asked "Wait, why are we gonna interrogate him? Why not just take him to the police or something?". Batman obviously annoyed glares at him to shut up and just follow orders. But it seems Tim and Damien got curious too and to be honest I too want to know why Batman wants to interrogate the boy. Well other than the fact that he's able to beat all of us, but even then he doesn't look like the stereo typical big bad villain. So why would Batman want us to capture him. Batman, seeing the curiosity evident on our faces says "His name is Percy Jackson-". He's cut off by Tim who says "Wait the boy who was framed for terrorism at the age of 12 and always seems to disappear off the face of the earth? That Percy Jackson?". Out of the corner of my eye I see Jason stiffen, but brush it off as nothing. "Yes, that Percy Jackson. He was framed for terrorism again as he and several other kids were seen in Europe wherever strange things happened, such as the sudden earthquakes and distruction." Bruce answered slightly annoyed. "And the girl?" Tim asks. Before Bruce replies I answer " I think she's his sister. Estelle, I think her name is." Satisfied with the answer Jason says "Ok well we better find her first before someone else does."

With that Jason, Tim, and Damian leave to go find Estelle. I turn to see Bruce heading to the batmobile with an unconscious Percy Jackson. Right as I'm about to follow him I see something in the corner of my eye. Turning I see a backpack that seemed to have been dropped during the fighting. The possessions that were in the backpack were left littered on the ground. Walking toward it I pick up the stuff which seemed to be two pictures, a necklace with what looked like handmade beads, some weird looking coins, and what looked to be a small velvet box the size of my palm. There seemed to be more objects in the backpack. Gathering everything, I put the strange coins in the backpack and inspected the the the necklace. There were 6 different beads.(A/N:I'm to lazy to describe all of them.) Next, I examined the 2 photos. The first one was 8 teens all smiling and laughing together on what appeared to be the deck of a ship. I spotted Percy sitting next to a girl with blonde curly hair and stormy grey eyes. They were holding each other in a loving manner. There was a latino boy next to the blond girl who kinda reminded me of an elf. Beside the elf boy was a emo looking boy with black hair and dark brown eyes. Next to Percy was a blonde boy with glasses who was holding a girl on his lap. The girl had a nice tan and choppy hair that had a feather in it. And lastly was a girl sitting on a boys lap. The girl had dark skin(A/N:not trying to be racist) with frizzy hair and hazel gold eyes. The boy looked to be asian and very buff but had kind of a baby face. They all seemed really happy together.

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