Chapt.4(don't know what to title this)

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POV. Dick

Listening to Percy's story and explaination to the recent incident he was involved in is shocking. 'Is that really the truth? Is he lying? And if it is true why the hell would they make children fight for them? They're just kids, for fucks sake! And what do they even want power over? How do we not even know about these people in the first place? Though something in Percy's story seems familiar, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.'

The room was entirely silent, Tim, Damian, and Jason processing the new information; Bruce staring at Percy seemingly wanting him to tell more but Percy just stayed silent now. Seeing that Percy wouldn't talk anymore, Bruce left the room with a dramatic swoosh of his cape. 'I swear he's such a drama queen sometimes'.

"Do you think he's telling the truth?" I ask as he walks over to us while taking off his cowl. Bruce stays silent for a minute pondering the question.

"Yes... I do actually think he might be telling the truth, but he's also not telling us everything"

"Wait, what really?!" Tim exclaimed in disbelief. Bruce nodded.

"Yes, but like I said, I don't think he's telling the whole truth. Some of it doesn't add up. There's more to the story than what he's telling us and we need to figure out what that is."

"Ok but what are we going to do with him for now? We can't take him to the police seeing he has abilities-" Jason cuts me off. "Wait, he has powers?" "Yeah, after you guys were knocked out he started controlling the rain. He might be a meta or something."

"Your right. We can't leave him to the police, they'll either send him to Juvie or trial him as an adult considering he's almost 18 and his record or send him into the system. From there he'll probably easily be able to escape just like he's done before." Bruce seemed to ponder for a bit about what to do. After a minute of scilence he seems to come to a decision.

"What do you guys think of having an extra person at the Manor?"


Percy's POV

It was a long while before someone finally came in. At least I think it took a while, though that could've probably been my ADHD at work again. During the time I was waiting, I had actually managed to unlock my handcuffs(the Stolls had taught how to during my 3rd year at camp, good thing I still remembered). With the handcuffs off I could probably easily escape but I decided against that because 1)I don't want to make the situation I'm in any worse. And 2)because I don't know what these people can do and An-she had always told me never to rush into battle without knowing your opponent.

The person that came in wasn't Mr. Batsy, it was the guy in the black and blue spandex.

"So has Mr. Bats decided what he'd like to do with me?" No reply, instead he pulls out a key that fits into the cuffs I had had on previously. Mr. Spandex walks up to me so he could, I assume unlock the cuffs.

"No need. I got them off myself." I tell him showing my handcuff free hands. That seemed to catch him off guard.

"What? How'd you get the cuffs off?"

I simply smirk at him while handing him the cuffs, "A magician never reveals their secrets." He gives me an annoyed look but drops it.

"So, has Sir Dark and Brooding decided what he wants to do with me." I ask casually still relaxing on this most very comfortable chair. The dude doesn't say anything, instead seeming to be in deep though or something.

"Could you at least tell me your name? or well your hero name?" I try again. He doesn't seem to notice the sarcasm I put when I said hero, or at least he doesn't seem to care.

"Oh the names Nightwing." FINALLY! A name. Now I dont have to keep referring him to weird nicknames my brain comes up with.

"Alright Nightwing, coukd you tell me what you guys plan on doing with me? Or at least take me to my sister?" His expression changes, though only for a second but I manage to catch. It seemed to have been...guilt?

"Uhh yeah, well. Just follow me and um we'll explain what's gonna happen."

Pov - 3rd Person

A street lamp flickered on and off barely illuminating a run down street in the slums of Gotham. The area, like most other places was completely void of people for it was known to all who lived in Gotham City never to walk the streets at night (almost like an unspoken law). Well it was almost void of all people.

Walking a quick pace, a small child no older than 6 shivered from the cold of night. She had no known destination and was completely lost but the girl, even as young as she was, knew that if she stopped moving now even to take a small break something was sure to happen. And that something would most definitely not be good.

So the small child continued walking not knowing that something, more like someone was watching, following.

That someone had just escaped from an asylum and was now planning on putting on a show for they're good 'ol friend, as they liked to call them, Batsy. But first they wanted to hire a new assistant.

930 words

Sorry this took so long to post. With school and homework I had completely forgotten to post it.

Also, I wanna know if you guys want their to be a ship. Just comment which ships you'd be most intrested in being in the story or if you don't want a ship. I'm fine with anything as long as its not something like Bruce x Percy cause that's literally illegal and just weird.

Bye, thanks for reading!

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