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Long Ago... In the land where the Nile flows

Before the time of man, and before the time Egypt became Egypt. There was nothing, a void. It was not until Ma'at, the sacred goddess of truth and justice manifested herself from this nothingness. Her counterpart, the great god Amun Ra uttered his name and came into existence. He gained control of the great rays of the sun, and travelled every night to destroy the great serpent Apep, who vowed to destroy any creation Amun made. Not wanting to be alone, he created Shu and Tefnut, both beings represented the ground and the air. These two dieties then created the great city of Memphis in the Nile Delta. With walls so white they gleamed in Ra's brillant light. But soon they themselves grew lonely. And so Amun Ra created Geb and Mut. Geb and Shu being gods of the soil and land. And Mut being the goddess of sky. Her belly contains all the stars and planets in the universe. Geb and Nut fell in love and had four children together. The god Set; god of chaos and the desert. Osiris; the god of order. Isis; the goddess of magic and wisdom. And Nephthys; goddess of death and decay. Geb seeing that his children were pure had Isis marry Osiris, and Set marry Nephthys. Each couple is given dominion over two cities. Osiris and his sister wife resided in Memphis taking the red crown of Lower Egypt . Set and his sister wife took up residence in Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt. Set wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt. Each taking responsibility for Egypt and its beginnings. Yet as Amun created more gods such as Hathor, goddess of love. Sekhmet the lioness goddess and so many more. There were no humans on the earth. Praying to their great god Amun, their grandfather. Amun fashioned out of the dust of the desert man and woman, these are the descendents of all Egyptians. And so the time of the gods had begun. 

For a millenia man thrived under the gods and their rule. Osiris proved to be a capable and wise ruler. His wife Isis taught man man things and gave them tools to succeed in both their mortal lives and the afterlife. Nephthys taught them how to prepare the dead, and how to prepare for the afterlife. Yet as time wore on Set grew greedy. He wanted more power. He wanted his brother's throne. He wanted to rule all of Egypt himself. Have the power for himself. Nephthys, now pregnant, began to fear her husband and his ambition. He was not the same as when they were first married. And so she escaped Hierakonpolis and travelled to Memphis to claim sanctuary with her brother and sister. There she gave birth to Anubis. The jackal headed god of death who immediately took up his position and began to ferry the dead souls through the underworld. Isis foretold the coming war with Set. But Osiris, always trusting of his brother, did not see the danger in his sister's warnings. And so invited him to the announcement of Isis' pregnancy. It was there that Set killed his brother, chopping his brother's body up in 14 pieces and spreading them throughout Egypt itself. Nephthys and Isis escaped Memphis under the cover of darkness, and took refuge with their loyal followers in the desert. There, Isis gave birth to her son Horus. The hawk god; the lord of the sky. Isis then prayed to her grandfather for guidance. As Horus grew older, Set's grip on power strengthened. Fear ruled the young Egypt. But those both god and man were still loyal to Horus and his mother helped plan revenge against Set. Horus, now a man. And his trusted human servant Ahmose battled Set for decades. This carnage saw the sacred Nile run red with blood. Hearing the cries of man and god alike. Amun Ra travelled from his sacred ship and commanded all gods to return to the afterlife and fight their battles there. Leaving the battles to be fought among men.

And so the peaceful days of the gods were over, but many remember fondly the times that the gods ruled over them. When peace and prosperity ruled supreme. It was then that the dark times came. When men began to fight over the thrones of the gods. Soon two powerful kingdoms emerged in Egypt. The Land of the Reeds; now known as Upper Egypt ruled from Hierakonpolis. And Ta-Mehu; now known as Lower Egypt from the mighty city of Memphis. Each ruled by very different kings. Each king had known the time of the gods. For a time these kingdoms ruled in peace and harmony, but soon one man rose to power in the Land of Reeds bringing an end to that peace and the beginning of war and fear. The beginning of the dark times. The true dark times.

His name was Sutekh, a man who idolized Set and those who followed the red god against Horus and his mother Isis. Sutekh so enamored by Set wished to ascend to the afterlife and become like Set himself... A God. Like Set, Sutekh killed his brother Aten for the throne of the Land of Reeds and the city of Hierakonpolis. Sutekh believed that he could unite Egypt into one kingdom. And that he would rule all of Egypt from Set's mighty throne in Hierakonpolis. He wanted Egypt for himself, to rule such an empire like Set did before him. But the king of the Ta-Mehu rebelled against this notion, and began giving refuge to those who were fleeing from the violence and slaughter of Sutekh's tyrannical reign. Sutekh knew he could not conquer Egypt without help from the gods. He began to hear rumors that Isis blessed one of her priestesses the gift of sight. To fortell what was to come. This priestess had a daughter, who then married and had a daughter herself. This child held the key to ruling all of Egypt. He would do anything to attain this jewel. So he sent out all his mighty warriors to hunt this child down. And use her gift to defeat the king of Ta-Mehu and finally unite all of Egypt.

Ahmose, the king of Ta-Mehu was a kind and noble king, the opposit of what Sutekh had become. He had once been a sworn soldier to the god Horus. Serving the hawk god until he ascended with his mother. He remembered the times when peace ruled supreme under the gods. He wished nothing for those times to come back. But he knew that Sutekh and his ways would only bring the destruction of Egypt. He wanted Egypt to be ruled by goodness and nobility and by those who wanted peace and prosperity to return to Egypt. He thought that his son Ka would bring about that peace.

For 10 long years. Ahmose and Sutekh battled one another. Both trying to gain the upper hand. But Ahmose knew he was losing. He was losing more men and more resources. And more refugees wore pouring into his city and the outer land surrounding Memphis. So Ahmose sent spies to Hierakonpolis. To discern why they were losing and what could be done to stop the mad king. It was their last attempt to gain the upper hand against Sutekh. And win peace for Egypt once and for all...

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