Chapter 15 Makara

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We left his room and were instantly met by chaos. Bakari was waiting for us already. His face was hard and cold. He had two swords strapped to his sides like Ka. But he also had a bow and sheath of arrows around his back. Many of the guards and servants were running around us. The fear was palpable in the air. They knew what was coming. Many had heard of Sutekh's carnage. What Sutekh did to those who opposed them.

"How many men do we have," Ka asked Bakari. I looked at both of them. How far were Sutekh's men from the city walls. Could we beat them? And was Sutekh leading them? Or was Amenhet? Did we have enough men in the field and in the palace? We had to beat them, we were only thing standing between Sutekh and his image of a cruel united Egypt.

"4,000 foot soldiers, and 3,000 archers. Stationed on the field and on the walls. We do not have the exact numbers for the other side. We have to pray to the gods that we have enough," Bakari said. I could see Ka thinking. Thinking about the amount of men we had. I knew he was thinking about the same thing I was.

"Is Sutekh leading his army," I asked looking at both men. They both stopped speaking and looked at me. I had to tell them what Sutekh may do. What he may have planned. What he always did during a battle.

"What do you mean Makara," Ka asked. I remember Amenhet talking to the other guards once. About the trick that Sutekh had done countless times before. How he would take down cities in the past.  

"We have not spotted him among the chariots," Bakari replied. I grabbed Ka's hand. He looked at me and saw the fear in my eyes. He squeezed my hand gently. Trying to reassure me.

"What is it Makara," he asked. I looked around and took a deep breath. Hopefully telling them would protect them. That this would save more lives not cost more.

"Sutekh never leads his army. He lets one of his generals do it. He uses the army as a distraction. A way to lure the soldiers out of the cities he has conquered. He then takes a small force of assassins and breaches the city walls from the inside. He takes the palace and forces the leaders to sign a treaty. Claiming that his conquest was valid. And to force the enemy's forces to lay down their arms," I said. Ka and Bakari both gasped. Sutekh was not one to conform to the rules of battle and war. He used whatever advantage he could.

"How do you know this information Makara, did Sutekh tell you this information," Bakari asked. His brow furrowed. I could hear suspicion in his voice. He had to know that I was loyal to Ka and the city of Memphis. I had no love for Sutekh and his men. They were monsters, pigs in armor.

"I overheard some of the men talk about it. When I was held captive. Those soldiers like to talk about the great deception. I need to warn you if we are to survive," I said. "I thought we all had more time," I added. They had to know that I was loyal to them.

"Take the elite guard and surround the palace, we cannot let anyone in or out. Where is my father," he asked, his eyes burning with anxiety and something deeper. Maybe rage? Maybe fear?  Bakari sighed and fidgeted with his breast plate. He looked Ka in the eye and took a deep breath.

"He is already outside the city walls. Preparing the troops," Bakari said. I felt Ka go rigid beside me. I knew that his mind was playing with the image I gave him. That Ahmose would die by an arrow. I prayed to Isis to look after Ahmose to shield him from harm.

"Pray to Ra he stays safe, and the battle is over quickly. I have to get Makara to safety," Ka said. He clasped Bakari's shoulder. They both looked at one another for a moment.

"Good luck brother. May Horus keep you and protect you," Ka said. Bakari nodded and rushed down the stairs to warn the guards. To protect the palace. But was it already too late? Was Sutekh already inside?

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