Chapter 14 Makara

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I returned to the palace, as Amun Ra was beginning his journey to the West. My stomach was in knots. Knowing what I had to do. Knowing that in order to save those I loved. I would have to break their hearts. Neferure tried to speak to me. But I had no heart or words to say to her. After a few attempts of trying to speak to me, she became silent and continued to walk behind me. I could feel her stare on my back, but I knew that if I told her what I had to do. She would try to convince me not to do it. I reached Ka's chambers. Trying to steady my breathing I opened the door. Ka was sitting at his desk looking over his scrolls. He looked up and smiled. Standing up he made his way over to us. 

"Neferure, Bakari is in the kitchen. He is looking for you. He said that he had something to ask her," he said. I noticed her cheeks flush with color. She bowed to both of us and left the room. He stood in front of me. His eyes blazing with love? Or was it lust?I could not tell. But I had to do this. I had to show him that it was the only way.

"Makara, there is something we must speak about. It is urgent," he said reaching out to take my hand. I backed away, making him frown. I could not stand to have him touch me. Not when I had to do this. Not when I had to break his heart.

"I must speak with you first Ka. it cannot wait," I replied. Trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. I had to do this, I tried to tell myself. He could sense that something was wrong. His brow furrowed in concern. His eyes grew dark. 

"What is it Makara, why won't you let me touch you," he asked. I took another step back. Taking a deep breath and steadying myself for what I was about to do. I felt sadness well in chest. This was it. This was going to change the future for us.

"I am here to tell you that I am leaving Memphis. I will go back to Hierakonpolis. I will throw myself on Sutekh's mercy. Allow him to marry me. Once I am back with him. He will call off his attack. He will not harm you or your people. As long as I stay by his side, both you and your people will be safe," I said. I saw his eyes go wide with shock. Taking the moment;

"It is the only way to stop him. I cannot bear a world without you in it. And I pray to the gods that you find a way to save me. But in order to save you I have to do this. This is the only way I can protect you," I whispered. I tried to open the door but he grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the door. We faced one another, I could hear his breathing grow ragged.

"No, Makara, I will not let you sacrifice yourself for me, you are not going back to him. I swear by Horus himself that you will never be taken from him. The thought of his hands on you makes me sick," Ka snapped. I wrenched my arm from his grasp. He did not understand the risk he was in. Sutekh would kill Ka, take his head. And take his city, and then Egypt would truly be doomed. If I had to live through the pain of Sutekh taking me then so be it.

"Don't you see Ka, it is the only way to save you. Your father, Bakari, everyone you love. Your kingdom, your city is in danger because of me," I cried. I stared into his eyes, my anger boiling. Could he not see what I was doing? We stared at one another, tension filling the space between us. I knew that this was the only way.

"What about you Makara? You will be killed, Sutekh will kill you the moment he has you. Do not sacrifice yourself. It will not work, he is already marching to Memphis. He will only kill you and continue his march. He no longer cares if he can marry you. All he cares about is taking his revenge," he snapped. I felt myself gasp, my vision was coming to pass. But it was his tone that took me by surprise. Was it already too late to save Memphis? If it was too late to save Memphis, maybe I could still save Ka and his father.

"If that is the cost, yes I will die for you Ka. I love you, may the gods be my witnesses. I love you, I want nothing more than to marry you. To have your children, but that is not our destiny. If I must die to keep you safe. So be it," I cried. He grabbed my arms, his face inches from mine. 

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