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if you haven't read all 40 chapters + epilogue of vendetta, don't read this.



Jungkook's eyes were widened, splattering hot coffee fallen onto the snow. The word that left the other man's lips left his stomach queasy, and the confusion stirred further upon seeing dark brown eyes that he remembered fading away.

As the boy who looked and sounded an awful lot like Taehyung stepped closer, Jungkook took a step back.

No no no, I'm hallucinating again- Jungkook thought, looking away, gulping. He closed his eyes tightly, taking a sharp breath, and then opened his eyes again- expecting to see nothing. But he saw Taehyung again.

"Dollie," The boy repeated, looking awed himself as he stepped closer to Jungkook. Jungkook gulped, and then felt the boy put his hand on Jungkook's arm- and oh my god he wasn't dreaming. This was real.

"W-who- who a-are you?" Jungkook squeaked, eyes big, not sure if he was more scared or confused or perhaps a mixture of both.

He smiled. Taehyung, who Jungkook still thought was a hallucination, smiled. "It-it's me. It's Taehyung." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook took another step back.

"N-no- no you're not- you- who are you? Is-is this a-a joke? I-I-"

"Kookie, it's me." Taehyung said softly, looking almost a little mirthful at Jungkook's shock. "I know you're confused. There's an awful lot to explain."

"You're not! Y-you just look-look like him! T-Taehyung's dead- he-"

Jungkook watched as Taehyung sighed, giving off a small smile. "You're not dreaming, Jungkook. It's actually me. I-I didn't know you were here."

"I am dreaming! You're a random p-person wearing a mask!" Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung smiled, which made Jungkook's eyes bigger because his smile hadn't changed one bit.

Taehyung stepped closer to Jungkook, and then placed his hands on him and pulled him in, wrapping his arms around him. "I-I missed you so much, Kookie. God- y-you're still so beautiful, doll." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook felt his hands grip onto Taehyung's jacket, his eyes still wide, mouth falling open.

Jungkook fainted.


Jungkook woke up and felt his eyes in a blur. He blinked his eyes a few times, and then opened his eyes fully. A soft sigh escaped his lips.

His dream- it-it felt so real. When Taehyung hugged him, it felt like an actual human body against his. His mind was spinning, mouth feeling a little dry. He knew he got a stupid dream about Taehyung. It was a stupid dream which made his heart race which is stupid because Taehyung is dead and-

"You're awake!" A voice came, and Jungkook sat up instantly, looked to his side, and then saw Taehyung, in the flesh, sitting there, smiling a little.

Jungkook let out a scream of fear, scurrying back- while Taehyung moved closer to him. "Kook- relax-"

"Zombie!" Jungkook cried, and moved further back. "Vampire! Zombie! Walking dead! G-ghost!" Jungkook shrieked, and then Taehyung grabbed his hand, and placed it on his cheek.

Jungkook's doe eyes widened. "Not a ghost." Taehyung whispered to him.

Jungkook breathed heavily for a few seconds, chest heaving up and down, hand still on Taehyung's tan cheek. Jungkook blinked a few times, and then moved a little closer to him.

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