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Jungkook stood under the bright white light, eyes big- feeling his senses withering away slightly. He felt high. He's pretty sure he was high. On what? He doesn't know- but he feels high.

He saw some men in front of him, in suits- looking at him questioningly, all eyeing him up and down. He didn't know them. But he stayed there- perched on the chair- just letting himself be gazed at by all these men.

The men, they were whispering to one another. Pretending as if Jungkook isn't in the room- as if he couldn't see. But he could- even though he felt his senses cascading away.

He was in a dress.

A white dress of sorts- reaching his thighs.

He doesn't know why it's so short- but they told him he's small, so he should wear it. So he did.

He was in New York now. And as he looked ahead, feeling the lights harsh on his body- the eyes harsh on his body- the heaviness harsh on his body- he was told.

"6 months. You'll be here for 6 months." A voice told him, and Jungkook didn't respond- just looked down. "You're ours for 6 months, Jungkook."

Jungkook woke up, startled, gripping onto the bedsheets under him. He panted- looking around nervously, wondering if he was still there, still stuck there for 6 months-

"Baby-" A voice said, gentle- taking Jungkook into his arms. "It was a nightmare, don't worry."

Jungkook turned and saw Chris, and laid his head on his chest, breathing in his scent. "S-sorry." Jungkook squeaked, and Chris traced his hand down his bare back, clutching his thigh.

"Don't apologise. Everything's fine. Go to sleep, princess. Daddy's holding you tight." Chris whispered- and Jungkook hummed, closing his eyes- though glimpses of his memories won't go away.


"Can I go to work with you today?" Jungkook asked with his eyes big as he held a glass of orange juice for Chris.

Chris, fixing his tie in the mirror, didn't even stop to think about it. "No."

Jungkook pouted, and then tapped his foot against Chris'. "Please?" Jungkook asked, and Chris grabbed the orange juice from Jungkook's hand and then walked out of the bedroom.

"Why? Princess getting bored?" Chris asked with a small smirk, and Jungkook followed him out, huffing.

"Princess is getting very bored. And princess is gonna throw a tantrum." Jungkook said with a small scowl, and Chris just chuckled at his words, grabbing a piece of toast from the table and taking a bite.

"Oh come on, Kook. Just- go shopping or something. Meet up with some friends." Chris said.

"I don't have any friends." Jungkook said, and saw Chris still look a little disinterested, still chuckling slightly- and Jungkook stomped his foot.

"Please, Chris! Ugh- you never let me do anything! It's so boring at home all alone!" Jungkook whined, and then saw Chris give him a stern look.

"Watch your tone," Chris said, and Jungkook looked away brattily- and Chris scoffed. "Why don't you find some shit to do, then? Join some classes or something."

Jungkook looked up suddenly, eyes wide. "Do-do you think- remember when I told you a-about that cafe dream thingy I had? Do you think I could work on that? Please, Chris? We have enough money- and-and I'll handle it! You just-"

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