Part 3

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"I see here that you studied to be a DA at the uh... University of La Verne before you went to Stanford, why did you change?", Mr Barnes, who actually seems to be quite decent, asks me. "I didn't really know what I wanted to study, except that I wanted to do something in the field of law. Then a friend introduced me to clinical research, and, well, here I am", I laugh awkwardly.

"MERCEDEEEESSSSSS IIII GOOOOOTTTTT THEEE JOOOOBBBBBB", I scream into my phone happily, as I leave the building. "Oh my god babe that's so great! We should go to the Scorpion this evening and celebrate with Noah!" "Yaaassss!!", Noah goes crazy when he parties and its the most hilarious thing ever, "What time is Noah arriving again?" "If the traffic is alright he should be here by like 4.30 pm or so", Mercedes answers, "Don't forget that I'm working till five so you'll have to make sure to be at mine by four or so." "I knoooowwwww", I reply and make my way to the train station. I get onto the train and check my phone for the time, twice because i got distracted the first time I checked. 2.53 pm, great, I have time to go home before I go to Mercedes' apartment.

As soon as I get home, Loki claws his way up to my shoulder. "Hey, Loki, that's my work outfit", I laugh as I pick him off my shoulder and scratch his neck.

ill be at the northern liberties in abt an hour : Noah texts me.

Great! : I text back and put the third  Game of Thrones book into my bag.

"Ok, Loki, I'm leaving, please don't destroy anything", I tell Loki and laugh as he manages to just about avoid knocking down two big vases. He's a really considerate cat, he doesn't like breaking things.

I get to Mercedes' and as I open the door I'm immediately greeted with that smell of roses I love so much.
I go to the cupboard and get myself a glass of wine when the doorbell rings.

"Cooommmiiinngggg", I say to...Noah I guess, press the electric door-opener and go down the stairs to meet him. "Sara!", he greets me and we hug, "Oh, it's so nice to be back! When is Merc' gonna be here? I bought yall a present!" We go to the living room, I turn off the TV and we talk about life and whatnot. "How's the job search going?", he asks me. "Oh my god I completely forgot to tell you I was hired by this super fancy company called Agranomiques! They desperately needed a Clinical Quality Auditor,", I make a hand gesture in my direction and laugh. "That's so cool!!", Noah replies as the door opens and Mercedes comes into the room. "Noahhhhh", "Sistaaa", they greet each other and I get up to quickly kiss her. "I got you guys...", Noah says after a couple of minutes and looks for something in his bag, "Three bottles of ice wine!" "OMG yaaasss", me and Mercedes exclaim at the same time.

A couple of hours later we arrive at the Scorpion and go get some drinks at the bar. Me and Mercedes stick closer to the bar while Noah embarrasses himself on the dancefloor.

"Hey, Sara!", Noah shouts over the loud music. I turn around and see him dancing with...a girl I recognize from somewhere? "HI, I'M ASHLEY", she introduces herself. "Ashley also works for Agranomiques!!", Noah continues to shout. "COOL!", I reply. Mercedes walks over with multiple drinks in her hands. "THANK YOUU", Noah says, trying to grab one from her hand. "Ahahahaha nope, those are ours", Mercedes laughs and hands me two vodka shots and a glass of beer. "Ugghhh, asshole", Noah laughs and he and Ashley get their own drinks. "Who's that?", Mercedes asks me. "Some girl called Ashley, apparently she works at Agranomiques too", I tell her and finish my glass of beer as she tries to get me to dance.

This part gets a special dt to Kass, Nat, Cora and Lotte, I swear I will finish yall's fanfics when I have the time! On that note, should I write a Cate x Sandra/x Sarah fanfic, a Carol x Therese fanfic or Roisa oneshots/ alternate endings, Carterwood fanfic or a Villaneve fanfic next? No, I won't write all of them LOTTEEEEEE (ik your gonna say that😂❤) (Lotte that does not include the other thing you want me to write😂✌)

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