Part 4.1

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Mercedes and I are on our way home from our favourite Mexican restaurant on the other side of town blasting 'Midnight City' when I get a text from Ashley, who is part of the biomedical engineering team at Agranomiques, saying "Can you come? We have a bit of a problem." . "Hey, look ", I show Mercedes the message. "Let's go?", she asks. "Yeah...", I say trying to figure out why I'm needed in the engineering team.

About twenty minutes later, we pull up at the huge office building that I work at and enter through the main entrance. Most lights are already off, as is normal at 10 pm, as we make our way to the 5th floor and all but two security guards, who would have probably not allowed Mercedes to come with me, are gone too. "She's uhh, with me", I say pointing at her, but they don't even look up, so we head up the stairs. When we reach Ashley's office the door is open, but no-one inside. We walk to the main lab, still no-one to be found. "Wait... I think there's someone in that room over there", Mercedes says. I knock on the door, Ashley pulls me inside and locks the door. "What the... Mercedes is here too!", I tell her as she seems to be looking for something in a drawer. I try to open the door for Mercedes, who has started knocking and asking if everything's ok, but as I-

"Ok, come on, don't be stupid, I didn't hit you that hard", a voice I don't recognise tells me. "What the fuck", I mumble and try to move my hand but it seems to be tied up somewhere. What- ??? I open my eyes and see a woman stare at me. "What the fuck", I say. "See I told you she's stupid and easy to get", Ashley tells the other woman, as she prepares something. What is that? I try to stand up, but fall over instantly. "We tied your legs too, stupid", the woman tells me. "What did you do to Mercedes?!!!!!!", I shout at Ashley. "I told her this is a matter between me and you and that she should leave..", Ashley replies, surprisingly calm. "Ok but you said you needed help..? What's even the problem??" "Oh honey, that was just a way to get you here! My wonderful daughter here has been secretly working on a possible way to save me", the woman says. "She has some radiation scars", Ashley explains chuckling. "DO NOT EVER MENTION THAT AGAIN", the woman yells.

"Ok so WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ME??", I yell. "Well... we need a test object", the woman laughs hysterically.

part 4.2 later idk when yet cos school is annoying

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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