Stop complaning for once!

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~Last episode~
"oh..." she looked right into Jimin. I can see Jimin's face turn red and just smiled.
"well--see ya in class!" she winked
We walked towards the bleachers and saw Y/N huddled in a little ball. She was crying. why?
~we continue~

Y/n POV:
I was sitting under the bleachers trying to hide my bangs by watching Youtube videos, but honestly, it didn't work that much.
I decided to just eat my lunch before my next period starts.  Thats when I noticed her. The red head. The worst of the worst. Rosè.
"speak of the devil" I mummbled under my breath.
She was walking towards my direction. she looked confident, she had her hand on her hips.
"whacha doo'in" she bent over.
Why was she trying to talk to ME? Is she bipolar?
She sat next to me.
"soo~ your bangs....why?" she cocked an eyebrow.
"well...I umm...idk I over cut" I said confused with the sudden change of her attitude. Before she acted like she was the only pepsi cola in a dessert. She felt like she was hella hot.
"" she said pointing at my hair.
"I can help you" she added
"why?" I asked
"what do you mean why? funny girl" she said laughing
"well...I umm hate me?" I said looking her right in her eyes.
"what?! of course not! why would I hate a FRIEND of mine?" she said giggling.
"friend?" I said looking at my already cold food.
"yeah...oh should probably fix your eyebrows and maybe wear a little of mascara, it looks like you have ZERO eyelashes...aren't you jelous of your brother. I've seen him. He has the MOST beautiful eyelashes EVER!" she said putting on lipstick.
"thank you?" I resoponded
"oh-oh no, thats not a compliment"
I was just so shocked and nodded. Why did I nod? Why am I scared of her?
She took put a little pink bag with blue sparkles.
"here, that'll help you. You can thank me later" she smiled ear to ear.
"bye~" she waved.
Before I knew it, I was crying, I coudn't help it. why does she think she's better than me? she not even THAT hot!!
I opened the little bag and there was makeup and a little paper. I took it out and it was a coupon for a plastic surgery clinic. There was another mini paper crunched under the bottom of the bag.
"dear Y/N,
Idk how it feels to be ugly,
But, don't worry, I was gonna use the coupon, but I Don't need it. But I know how plastic surgery can get expensive. Hope I helped.
-your lovely friend, Rosè"
I didn't know if she was being serious or if she was doing it on purpose. But I shoved it into the stupid little bag and threw it across from me. My vision went blurry and I could feel my tears running down my cheek and onto the grass. I know im strong. What happend? I usually like to think they say those things cause there jelous. But this time, it hurt, it really hurt. I got lucky she did it where no one was looking or else I would have cried even more.
I sat there in a little ball when I saw a hand under my face. It was Yoongi.
"Y/n are you okay? what did that fatass do?" he said lifting my face.
"fatass?" I said chuckling.
"at least I made you smile" he wrapped his arms around me.
"whats that?" Jin pointed at the pink little bag on the grass. The makeup and everything inside it was scadderd all on the ground when I threw the bag.
"she..." before I can even explain what happened Yoongi grabbed the piece of paper and read it. He also saw the plastic surgery paper.
I can see him getting mad. he hold me even tighter.
"why would anyone do this?" Hoseok said his smile fadding away.
"it was my fault! i'm so sorry, I didn't know she would do this!!" Jimin yelled.
"hey, its no ones fault, Rosè is at fault here" Yoongi added
"guys, I need to tell you something..." Jimin sighed
He explained the whole thing of Rosè threating him and saying she was gonna upload the recording if he hangs around me and the whole, "i'm using them to show off to my friends" thing.
"you don't actually believe I used you, right?" I said cocking an eyebrow.
"what! of course not! wh--why would I think that!" he yelled biting his lower lip.
"I think we should tell Namjoon, he should know what to do, right?" Jungkook said walking towards me.
"I thought you were at the gym" Hoseok confusingly asked.
"I was but, I saw Rosè talking to you, soo, I wanted to see what was the whole fuss about" he put his arm on Hoseok.
"your so nosy!" Jin sighed
"no i'm not!" Jungkook faught back.
"your nosy AND annoying, you wouldn't let me sleep last night! can you believe it? he was just sending a bunch of memes!" Jin yelled in his mom voice.
"don't you ever sleep?" Jin added
"of course I do, I'm just an night owl. I know you enjoyed my memes tho" He said winking at Jin.
"guys! its not time to fight! Y/n needs us" Jimin cut into the conversation.
"your right" Yoongi let go of me and stood up. He put an arm in front of me.
"here, stand up!" he ordered
"why!" I looked at Yoongi.
"just do as I say!" Yoongi grinned.
I stood up and Yoongi got my hand,
"lets go!" he yelled.
"but--but what about class? my food?" I yelled at Yoongi.
"stop complaining for once!" he looked at me.
We ran all together. Idk where we were going, but that wasn't important. The important part was that I was happy. Who cares about Rosè anyway, I'll show her, tomorrow.
~to be continued~

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