Nice...back pack!...

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~last chapter~
I stood up and looked out into the big window, I noticed that that my dad had removed the old, big, pink curtains that the previous owners left behind, and out of nowhere I started to hear, nice, angelic voice coming from Mrs. Parks house,
~the voice~
"저수천 개천란한 화살의 과녁윽 나 하나, Eh you've shown me I have reasons I should love myself, ah huh 내솜 내 걸 전부로 답해"
[Who's voice is that?] I thought

~we continue~
I looked into Jimin's window, and at my surprise, there was Jimin, a boy with really broad shoulders, and another boy who's smile just radiated bunny vibes. The boy with broad shoulders was sitting on Jimin's chair and the bunny boy sat in Jimin's bed while Jimin sat next the bunny boy. the boy with the broad shoulders had seen me, he blowed a kiss and started to smile with his big, beautiful lips that I wished I had since I had paper thin lips,
I had wished I had my curtains installed by now because I felt my whole body get shivers, my mind wanted to run down stairs but my body couldn't move, my face felt hot—I felt like my face was red like a tomato by now, but he then looked away and talked to Jimin and the bunny boy.
I heard a knock at the door I knew it was mom and Tae-min, so I went downstairs to see what they had bought me for school,
"Y/N I'm home!!" Mom yelled
"Well...what you bought me?" I curiously asked
"Ooh—right! I bought you this backpack, I bet you'll love it!" Mom said
It was a bright neon pink with little cartoon characters on it
"Hey—um—mom? Why?" I asked
"Why what?" Mom asked
"Well—um isn't it a bit childish...I'm going to high school mom" I tried not to be so mean
"YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!, I poured my heart and soul to pick the best backpack!" Mom shouted sadly
"Actually Mom....I LOVE IT!!" I smiled confidently
"You do! I'm so happy" mom hugged me tightly
I could see that Tae-min was laughing at me but I just got the back pack and went up to my room, I started to put everything from my old rusty back pack that I had used since 2nd grade, to my new 'amazing' back pack,
That night I was thinking of apologizing to Jimin of what had happened, he probably hates me already!, I tried to get a wink of sleep but I couldn't cause of the light coming from my window and all the noise, it looked as if Jimin was still awake, all I could hear was his angelic voice, but after a couple hours a fell asleep
~school day~
It was my first day of school so I wanted everyone to look at me and maybe be a little jealous, so I put on my blue and white uniform and my skirt, I curled my hair and put a little makeup, a coral pink on my lips, and a little concealer to block out all the red spots and a neutral eyeshadow, and put my black flats with knee high socks, lastly I put my lucky BT21 bracelets.
I went down stairs to get cereal,
"You know, Jimin is mad at you, you know that right?" Tae-min told me giving me a smirk
"Yeah...your happy that Jimin hates me are you!" I pouted
Tae-min just giggled
"Well I think you should try to talk to him little by little and become friends" Tae-min explained
"Your right!! I'll just bug him till he talks to me!" I quickly got my backpack and ran out the door
"Bye Mom, bye Tae-min!"
"That's not what I meant..." Tae-min murmured
"What you say?" I asked
"Nothing!" Tae-min smiled happily
"Oh okay BYE!" And with that I ran to get my bike and rode it to Lila High school.
~at school~
I walked inside the building confidently, and everyone was looking at me!, well that's what I thought, everyone was just in their own worlds, students talking to friends, students reading, others...I don't even know what they were doing.
I walked to the principals office, and their was Mrs. Morris waiting for me
"You must be Y/N" she smiled happily
"Yes" I nervously trembled
I was confident when I walked in but all my confidence just flew away like a piece of paper in the wind
"Okay well Y/N I have your schedule here, I'll call a student up so he can show you around and show you your classes" she relied
"Okay!" I remarked
~a couple minutes past~
"I'm here!" A boy with a cool bandana walked in the office, he had a cool style, he looked pretty awesome
"Where's Jimin? I asked Jimin...not you Min Yoongi, or did you get in trouble?" Mrs. Morris said confused with a sigh
"I know! But I told him I'll cover for him—since he's studying" he gave a small smirk
"Fine!" Mrs. Morris didn't look that pleased
"Y/N this Min Yoongi, he's gonna be your tour guide"
"Okay! Hi Min Yoon.."
"Let's go-hurry!" Min Yoongi interrupted me
He lead me to the library first,
"This is the library nothing interesting" with a dead cold stare
"Ahh! this is the biggest library I've ever seen!" My eyes widen
"Really, you get excited with a...library" he giggled
"Yeah! I love reading!" I said looking at him
I walked into the stands to see all the non fiction books, I tried to get a book from the top shelf but it was to high for me, but before I even asked for help Min Yoongi got his arm to get the book for me,
I stood still, blushing, he was so close to me,
"What are you doing?" I asked trying to cover my blushing face
"Here—shorty" Min Yoongi said laughing
"You look cute when you blush" Min Yoongi said
"Min Yoongi!—do you even now what your saying?" I asked
"I'm just kidding I'm just teasing, chill, you look like a tomato, and you can call me Yoongi"
"Ok..okay" I said stuttering
We both went outside the library and he noticed my backpack,
"Nice...back pack!" Yoongi started to laugh
"Why are you laughing! It's not my fault I had to wear it! I didn't want my mom to feel sad if I didn't wear it" I explained
Yoongi just laughed.
Yoongi showed me the whole school, the last room left was the auditorium, we went inside and I heard the same angelic voice come from the auditorium.
~to be continued~

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