Louis tomlinson a 22 year old lad has been best friends with zayn for over 10 years. Louis has been with many girl but didn't really have want anyone at the moment because he was just trying to party with his good lad but everything changed in one n...
"Lou honey wake up" Johannah says softly as she shakes his shoulders. Louis opens his eyes to see his beautiful mum. "Hey honey zayn is downstairs waiting for you" she says as she's walking out the door heading back downstairs. "Oh my gosh fuck what time is it" Louis mumbles to himself as he reaches for his phone. He sits up on the bed in his boxers and rubs his face. Finally checking his phone he sees it's already 10am. The blue eyed boy get up from bed to change into his red jumpers and white shirt he found lying around his room.
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He heads downstairs to greet zayn who is having a chat with Johannah. "Ready to go?" He asks as he grabs the keys. "I've been ready mate just waiting for you" zayn laughs as he says goodbye to the beautiful mum. "Bye mum I'll text you later luv you" Louis says rushing out the door. The only thing on both the boys mind was food. They were starving and wanted something to eat. They drove to nandos where zayns brother works. When they got there zayn teased Louis about the girl who had a crush on his boy Lou. "Come on mate give her chance. You might like her." Zayn exclaims. "Eleanor is just not my type Zayn and she will never be" Louis says a bit annoyed because he had already explained a dozen times before that he doesn't like this girl Eleanor. They walk in to the restaurant to see that zayns little brother Harry is at the cash register. Harry was wearing a white shirt that had nandos written in red. Louis never really realized how adorable Harry was in his work uniform. For some reason Louis started to blush and felt butterflies in his stomach as they walked up to Harry. "Oí brother how are ya?" Harry asks in a cheerful way. "Good mate we came to get free food" zayn says as he hugs harry. "Lou I haven't seen you around recently how you been?" Harry asks as his and Louis eyes meet. "I-I've been good. I've been really busy with school and at home but I'm staying at your house tonight so you'll see me then" Louis chuckles nervously. He usually doesn't get nervous around people he sees a lot but with Harry it's always been different. He gets all soft and smiles a lot when he's around Harry. It's all strange for Louis but he doesn't really know what it is. "Great. I get off of work at 5 tonight so I'll be home and we can hang out or something" Harry smiles and takes their order and the two friends go sit to wait for their food. "I've been thinking..." zayn says pausing before looking back to see if Harry was listening "I think I'm going to get my own place. I've just been thinks about it and I'm attending college and working and making my own plans. I need my own place to feel like an adult" he explains to Louis. "I understand you and I support you just talk to your mum and family to come up with the best decision for you" Louis replies with a soft smile. The boys soon see Harry walking over with a tray full of food. "Here you go lads. Enjoy I'll be back there if you need anything" he says with a quick smile as he turns to walk back to the kitchen. Louis can't help but to look at Harry's arse as he walks away. He bites his lip at the site of Harry's arse shifting up and down in his tight jeans. Louis finds himself almost drooling over Harry. Good thing zayn didn't see that. What had been up with Louis lately he felt warm when we saw Harry and now he's staring at his arse. The best friends soon finish they're food and start to head out saying good bye to Harry. "How old is Harry?" Louis asks trying not to make it obvious he might have a crush on him. "19 why?" Zayn replies. "Oh I thought he was older" he chuckles as they get into the car and drive off. By the time they went to zayns house it was already around 2 in the afternoon. "Let's play FIFA I bet I'll beat you losah" Louis says reaching for the controller and handing zayn the other. "You won't win bitch. I'm the champion" zayn chants. A few minutes pass and y'all you can hear is "GOALLLLL" coming from the blue eyed boy. Hours go by and the friends were still playing. They hear the keys at the door and see the door fly open as Harry steps into the house. He instantly greets Louis almost skipping zayn. "Hey lou...... and zayn" Harry says nervously as he closes the door. "Hey mate how was work?" Louis asks still keeping his eye on the tv as the football game is still going on. "Slow" Harry replies and sits himself on the couch right next to Louis. "That's good right?" Louis asks trying to hide his blush because they're legs are touching. "Yeah I'm just so tired" Harry says as scoots a little closer to Louis. "I'm hungry you want anything?" Zayn says as he gets up and heads to the kitchen. "No I'm fine thanks" Louis says leaning back on the couch and pausing the game. Harry notices that Louis is blushing so he secretly smirks. They sit is silent for a while until Harry says "Louis do you believe in true love?" "I do believe in true love you just have to find the perfect person to give all your love to you know" Louis replies blushing a little harder now. "Yeah me too" Harry says as he leans his head on Louis shoulder. "Is this okay?" The curly head boy asks. "Yeah that's fine" Louis says as he lays his head on the younger boys head. Soon they are both fast asleep. Harry wakes up in the middle of the night in the same place he had fallen asleep. He tried so hard to not wake louis up but he failed. "Where you going princess?" Louis moans softly almost half asleep. Harrys' cheeks turn tomato red and he gets butterflies in his stomach. "Shh go back to sleep love" Harry says softly as he lays Louis' head down on the couch. As Harry walks towards his room he notices he has a huge bulge in his pants. He has never been called princess but he surely loved it. He wants to go back to Louis and just snog him but wasn't sure if Louis was into that kind of thing. Harry walks into his room and before he knows it he is fast asleep.