Louis tomlinson a 22 year old lad has been best friends with zayn for over 10 years. Louis has been with many girl but didn't really have want anyone at the moment because he was just trying to party with his good lad but everything changed in one n...
After Louis dropped off Harry at his house he went home to get some rest. He was exhausted from earlier. Louis lays in bed thinking about Harrys' plump lips and how they were just so irresistible. Louis found himself drifting off to sleep when suddenly he heard his phone buzz. He was surprised to see that it was his love. TEXT Hazza💙: hey bubs. How are you feeling? Me: hey princess. I'm feeling tired I was honestly falling asleep until you texted me.😅 Hazza💙: Aw I'm sorry to disturb you. Good night. Me: No baby you weren't. Im glad you texted me honestly. I miss your lips. Hazza💙: I miss you too☺️. I want your everything baby. Me: do you work tomorrow love? Hazza💙: no I have the weekends off. Me: I'll pick you up at 9 so we can have breakfast is that ok? Hazza💙: yes love. Now get some sleep please💚 Me: good night babe. Sweet dreams💙
Louis plugged his phone in to charge and went to sleep.
The next morning Louis woke up and headed to the shower. When he got out he went to his closet to pick out some clothes.the blue eyed boy decided to wear a red champions sweater and some white jumpers. The boy wanted to look and smell good for his love so he also wore his favorite cologne.
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He rushed to Harry's house. Text Me: im on my way love Hazza💙: okay See you hear boo bear 🐻 💚 Louis started the car and drove off. When the boy arrived he was greeted by zayn. "Aye mate harry told me you're taking him to a friends house. Thanks I'm hella busy today so I appreciate it Lou" zayn said as he hugged Louis. "Yeah no problem I have nothing to do today anyways so it's no big deal" he replied looking over at Harry and secretly winking. "Well we gotta get going. I told my friend I was gonna be on time" Harry said trying to go with Louis. The two boys say good bye and head to the car. Harry: "you smell really good" he says as he looks over and smiles at Louis who is in the drivers seat. Louis: "thank you baby. I'm wearing my favorite cologne just for my princess" he says putting his hand on Harrys' thigh. "Where do you want to go for breakfast hazza" he asks Harry: "IHOP?" Louis: "of course love anything you want. I want to treat you all day today" he replies and smiles. The lovers arrive to the restaurant and order their food. They sit at a booth. Harry on one side and Louis on the other. Harry: Harry fondly stares at Louis and doesn't even realize that he's talking to him. Louis: "baby are you listening?" He says as he puts his hand on the younger ones hand. Harry: "honestly I heard nothing you said" he laughed nervously. Louis: "that's okay. Do you want me to sit on that side?" He asks pointing next to Harry. Harry: "yes of course" Harry replies. He could feel his heart start to race and his face get hotter. Louis sits pretty close to Harry to the point where Harry could smell louis' cologne and he wasn't complaining. Louis: " where do you wanna go after this princess?" He whispers into Harry's ear and lightly kissing it. Harry: "I want you" he replies softly. Harry looks away in disbelief that he just said that out loud. Louis: "I can tell princess" he smiles and looks down to Harry's crotch seeing a bulge. "Wait until later baby" he says as he kisses Harry's cheek softly. The boys eat that head to the car. Louis walks a bit slower. He likes to see that beautiful little arse Harry has. Harry: "don't stare too hard. It might just disappear" he says with a smirk Louis: "sorry" he replied. Louis' cheeks got a shade of pink The lovers got in the car and drove to a surprise place. Harry: "where are we going?" He said. Louis: "I rented a AIRB&B for us to stay in today love so we can spend time together" Harry: "awee" Harry could feel the butterflies in his stomach. He truly loved Louis but thought it was too early to just blurt out "I love you" oh fuck he actually said it out loud. Louis cheeks got redder that ever when he herd those words. Louis: "awe princess I love you too" he replied as he drove into the drive way of the house he rented in princess park. Harry: *wow that was a close one* he thought to himself. *At least I know he actually loves me* "Wow this place is beautiful" he said looking up at the massive home. Louis: "only the best for my kitty" he replies as he kissed Harry's hand. "Come one love lets go check it out" The two boys went inside the house and went upstairs to find the master bed room. They saw a huge bed and a even bigger TV. Harry: "wow this is so nice" he said as he went to the bed "may I?" Harry took off his shoes and climbed into the bed. Louis: "I'll turn the TV on for us" Louis walked over to where the massive tv was and picked up the controller. He turned it on and scrolled through Netflix. "Anything you want to watch baby?" He asked Harry: "the office?" He replied. Harry was lying in bed under the covers. Louis put the show on and joined his love in the bed. Louis: the blue eyed boy took his shirt and his jumpers off. "It's kinda hot in here don't you think?" He winks at Harry. Harry: "hehe yeah" At this point Harry was also taking his shirt and skinny jeans off. The boy pulled closer to Louis and laid his head on his loved chest. Louis wrapped his arms around the curly headed boy and kisses his forehead. Louis: "this is nice babe" he says as he runs his fingers through Harry's curls. Harry: "yeah" he replied as he looked up and gently kissed Louis' lips. Harry giggles and backs away from Louis to the point where they're both laying against the head of the bed. Louis: "what's wrong princess?" Louis voice sounded concerned. Harry: "nothing" Harry looks over to Louis and get on top of his lap. "I just want to be with you all day and I can't help it because I really like you. I want to kiss you and feel your gentle touches and sweet lips all over my body" he continues "and I want you to make me feel good daddy" he says "so I wore these because I think you would like them" he looks down to his crotch Louis: "I didn't even notice you wearing these Bambi" he replies "you look so sexy in those" Louis stares at the light pink and lace panties Harry is wearing. Harry could feel Louis getting hard right under him. Harry: "do you like them?" Harry asks as he gets closer to Louis' face. Before Louis could respond Harry stared to kiss him. Louis: with Harry on top of him he couldn't help to get horny. "I love them princess" Just as Louis was starting to kiss Harry's neck, his phone rang. "Don't worry it's probably not important" he kept kissing Harry's neck. Once again the phone rang "ignore it princess you're all that matters right now" he said to Harry as he cupped Harry's arse. The phone rang another time and Harry get off of Louis. Harry: "just answer it babe" he said a bit. Louis got up and walked over to his phone. He picked up the ringing phone and saw who was calling. It was an unknown number. Louis answers and brought the phone to his ear. Louis: "aye who is this?" Eleanor: "hey it's Eleanor. Zayn gave me your number and told me that you agreed to go on a date with me today so I just wanted to tell you to pick me up at 7:00 and I'll send you the address" before Louis could answer, she hung up. Harry: "who was it?" He asked. Harry got up and walked over to Louis. Louis: "this girl zayn has been telling me about. Apparently she has a crush on me and stupid zayn told her I'd go on a date with her tonight" he replied. Harry could hear how annoyed he was. Harry: "you should go so zayn doesn't suspect anything you know" Harry sounded kind of jealous even though he knew that Louis didn't like Eleanor. Louis: "are you sure? I don't want to go but it does make sense" Harry: "yeah you should I don't want us to get caught" Louis picks up his phone to check the time. Louis: "fuck it's 3 o'clock" he rubs his face. "Stay here babe I'm going to my house to pick up some clothes and I'll come back here to spend the rest of the time with you okay" Harry: "yeah that's fine I'll wait here" Harry looks down because he is sad that they couldn't finish what they had started. Louis: "cheer up baby I bought you something" Louis lifted Harry's chin and smiled. Harry: "aw really" he said and smiled softly (this is what his face looked like🥺so cute) Louis: he walked over to his backpack and pulled out a black box and a bottle of lube. "I want you to get ready for daddy okay princess?" He hands Harry both items. Harry: Harry opened the box and saw a light pink sparkly buttplug "yes daddy I'll be ready for when you get back" he get closer to Louis and kissed his bare chest. Louis: "good" he kisses Harry's forehead and walks away to get dressed. "I'll be back in less than 30 minutes okay princess" he says as he finishes tying his shoes. Harry: "okay daddy." He replies giving Louis a warm and soft look. Louis kissed Harry one last time before walking out the door and leaving. Harry decided to get ready for Louis to come back. The curly headed boy laid on the bed and opened the bottle of lube. He spread in on his fingers and rubbed it on and in his hole. Harry moaned a little as he gently fingered himself. After he felt his hole was loose enough he inserted the plug and whimpered a few times. ~~~~~~ Kind of a cliffhanger but kinda nkt you'll see what happens in the next chapter☺️ also check out my other book! Tpwk💚💙