~Chapter 7~

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Louis just dropped me off at my house and I can't believe he got us matching hoodies. I'm absolutely in love with my boobear. I want the whole world to know but I can't sadly because I mean zayn would kill louis if he found out what we've been doing. My parents are super suportive in who i am but im still not ready to tell them about lou. I went to my room quickly because I didn't want anyone to see the hoodie.


boobear: hey hazza i wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner tonight? I know i just dropped you off but i forgot to ask you.

me: yeah of course babe I would love that. pick me up at 8?

Boobear: yeah of course okay see you later love

It was almost time to go out with lou so I decided to get ready. I'm not sure where we're gonna go so I'm going to wear something casual but also kinda formal.

I took a shower then got dressed and waited for the love of my life to pick me up

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I took a shower then got dressed and waited for the love of my life to pick me up.


boobear: hey Hazza im outside of your house. Are you ready?

me: Yes almost just putting my shoes on

boobear: okay well zayn just got home i dont know if he saw me but he's going inside. dont tell him im here okay.

me: okay what should i tell him is he asks where im going?

boobear: just tell him your going with a friend princess or make up something like that.

me: okay im on my way.

while i was on my way to the door zayn saw me and asked me where i was going. He was incharge with me since mom was out for vacation with some of her friends.

"im going with a friend" i said trying not to sound suspicious.

"Ohh is this friend a girl?" zayn always teased me about girls even though im pretty sure he knows i dont like girls at all.

"Zayynn!" i yelled making him look down at me.

"fine go on. Just text me if you need me to pick you up or if you're in trouble okay" he always treats me like a little boy.

"Okay zayn I will but hes going to drop me off later" fuck I said he. i hope he doesnt notice.

"He? you said he. Well who ever your friend is tell him to drop you off before mom gets back okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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