• Wasps and Waterworks •

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Omuku watched the fight in the safety behind the AC. It was currently Cat Noir vs. that Panda girl, and Ladybug vs. Albibis. Queen Wasp was totally unoccupied.
Should I go now? wondered Omuku. No... Albibis and Panda are still too close to her, they'll see me and definitely stop me. I just have to be patient and let Ladybug and Cat Noir do their job.
She turned and sat down, her back against the large cubes of metal, thinking about the events of today. Adrien revealed he was in love with Ladybug, but thankfully she seemed to have talked him out of it. Then, it felt like Ladybug liked Adrien, too, when she mentioned how she wanted to protect him and how it wasn't so hero-like to put a civilian in danger. She did seem to act awkward around him in general as well. Ugh, why does everybody like him? Marinette and Chloé had both kind of backed off. Then this superhero?
She's got to put an end to it. But how?
I should do it. Yes, I will.
I don't hesitate. I never hesitate.

• • •

Albibis slowly brought the fight closer and closer to Queen Wasp. She was ready to test out her plan, she just needed to get Ladybug and Queen Wasp close enough to each other and stall until then. At this point, they were only a few feet away from the supervillain, with only herself in between Ladybug and Queen Wasp. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the fight between Princess Panda and Cat Noir continuing as well. She was nervous for the new recruit, not gonna lie. After all, she has little fighting experience.

Suddenly Ladybug flung her yo-yo at Albibis, making the first physical move of the fight. Caught off-guard, the villain barely managed to dodge by falling to the ground, and the yo-yo ended up capturing Queen Wasp behind her, the string wrapping around her waist.
Maybe I could destroy the necklace now, she thought to herself. Ladybug pulled Queen Wasp toward her, reaching for the necklace.

Cat Noir turned away from his opponent for a second to watch, his eyes widening. Could she really do it now, after he just failed a moment ago?

"No!" Albibis cried, hopelessly reaching an arm out.

Queen Wasp, however, was still following Princess Panda's order to protect her own necklace. She slapped away Ladybug's hand reaching for it at the right moment as she fell past her.
Albibis' eyes widened as she saw the perfect opportunity to try out her plan. Things seemed to move in slow motion for her for a second: Queen Wasp was being pulled past Ladybug, who was still in shock about her opponent's fast reaction. As Queen Wasp passed by the heroine, her neck came awfully close to her enemy's ear. The nix would just need a short trip from Wasp's necklace to Ladybug's earring.

In this moment, it was all about timing.



Albibis snapped her fingers, releasing the nix from Queen Wasp's necklace, officially freeing her from emotional control. The black snowflake began its very brief journey to Ladybug.
In her earring, in her earring, in her earring... Albibis prayed, watching the scene intently.

The slightest breeze blew by, scarcely changing the course of the snowflake. Instead of entering Ladybug's earring, it entered her red ribbon, the one that tied her left pigtail in place.

Cat Noir gasped, being the only other one to witness the transaction.

"Dang it!" Albibis muttered curses to herself and stamped her foot. She was so close, but a tiny little breeze ruined the whole thing. Why did Ladybugs have to represent good luck!?
She took a deep breath to hide her visible frustration. Well, at least Ladybug is still nixumized. And, now she knows transactions like that are possible! They could use that for anything, like akumas and even folium!
Albibis smirked. Looks like she was still victorious. Ladybug was completely unaware of her nixumization, too. It had happened right next to her face, out of her line of sight.

A Miraculous Story Book 3: Rivals Part 1: Queen Wasp 2Where stories live. Discover now