• Second Battle •

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The battle began once again on the restaurant rooftop. Both sides, recharged and ready to go. Queen Wasp, Albibis, and Princess Panda were on one side, and Ladybug and Cat Noir on the other. Omuku hid behind the air conditioning blocks again, ready to strike when she got the chance.
The villains had planned to keep Queen Wasp out of the fight, as the heroes couldn't leave until she was deakumatized, and if she were to fight it wouldn't be very hard for them to free her akuma and folium and retreat. The goal was to get their Miraculous as soon as they could. Every single battle was an opportunity. However, if either of the villains were in danger of getting their Miraculous taken, Princess Panda was to order Queen Wasp to intervene, even if it costs her her akuma. In the end, akumas are expendable, but Miraculous are not.

Ladybug and Cat Noir stood in their fighting stances, facing Albibis and Princess Panda, who did the same. They were each waiting for the other to make a move.

Albibis was the first. She lunged at Ladybug, covering her face with one of her wings. Ladybug jumped out of the way, preparing her yo-yo for battle.

Cat Noir took the opening to attack Princess Panda, who barely defended herself with her bamboo branch. She swung at him with it, forcing him to duck to avoid the hit and causing him to lose his balance. Princess Panda swung again, straight down on the black cat, but he was quick to whip out his own staff and block the attack. The two continually exchanged blows, both armed with their own pole-like tools. Cat Noir began to grow impatient with how well Princess Panda was using her branch, and how he wasn't getting anywhere. She matched his skill level.
Then he remembered the official plan: to get the villains away from Queen Wasp so Omuku could free the akuma.
Cat Noir let Princess Panda knock him back, bringing their little duel away from Wasp. This Panda's capabilities were actually contributing to their plan! Cat Noir glanced up for a moment to where Omuku was hiding, and he could see her peeking over the AC box, watching the battle. He'd successfully gotten one of the two villains away from Queen Wasp, it was now up to Ladybug to get the other.

Ladybug had a much more difficult time countering Albibis' attacks. With her wings, she had great mobility and speed, as well as power. She was able to use air against her by beating her wings vigorously and creating surprisingly powerful gusts of wind. And, the wings also served as shields that Ladybug's yo-yo could not grab. This battle was not going well, but Ladybug too reminded herself that her goal was just to stall until Omuku deakumatized Queen Wasp. Then they could retreat. For now she had to get Albibis away from the akuma.
The two battled a minute more, with many close calls for Ladybug, but Ladybug eventually led them away from Queen Wasp in a sort of subtle dance.

Now, both villains and heroes were quite far from Queen Wasp. Omuku peeked over her shelter again and saw that now was the perfect opportunity. Now she had to get the job done. And no messing up, either!
"Mirror Image!"
The light show began again, centering around the parrot hero, transforming her into a replica of Adrien. She was worried that the villains would see the flashy transition, since the sun was starting to set, but fortunately it didn't seem like they did. Carefully she scurried our from her hiding place and over to have another one-on-one talk with Queen Wasp. She tried to push the battle sounds from across the roof out of her head.

"Hey, Chloé! Remember me?" 'Adrien' said, waving at her. She blankly stepped away from him, always keeping at last a yard's distance between the two.
"Oh right, of course you do," she cleared her throat. "Um, it's me, Adrien!"
Might as well get straight to the point if he's going to be emotional about it. "Chloé, I love you so much. I've loved you my whole life, ever since we were little, we were best friends. I'm gonna be honest, I really miss you at school. I want you to come back."

Queen Wasp's eyes moved to look straight at him, showing that he was getting to her! He just had to keep it up, but he was running out of things to say.

A Miraculous Story Book 3: Rivals Part 1: Queen Wasp 2Where stories live. Discover now