• Chloé vs. Queen Wasp •

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Ladybug zipped through the Parisian streets with her magic yo-yo, trying to reach the Agreste mansion as fast as possible. The buildings blurred by as she flew, dodging the Eiffel Tower and a flock of airborne birds at one point.
At last she made it, and she immediately saw two figures standing at the front door: Adrien and Kagami. Ladybug swung her way over the front gates and down to them, landing at the foot of the steps leading to the front door.

Good, she thought. Queen Wasp hasn't gotten him yet... but why is Kagami with him?
She swallowed her jealousy and proceeded very professionally toward the two teenagers.
"Adrien Agreste?" she said. "I heard Queen Wasp is after you. I'm here to bring you to safety."

"Ladybug?" both Adrien and Kagami said in sync.

"Yes, it's me!" she answered with a smile, looking at the two of them. "What do you know about Queen Wasp?" Ladybug went up the steps toward the teenagers and stood beside them.

"Queen Wasp is very foolish. She doesn't know what she's doing for just a little love." Kagami stated.

"Chloé wants me to love her, since she hasn't gone to school and seen me in a while," Adrien answered. "But... I don't know if I can..."
There were already too many girls in his life. Kagami, Ladybug, even possibly Marinette. Including Chloé would be too much.

"Oh..." muttered Ladybug to herself, rubbing her chin. "Do you know where she is?"

Right on cue, the supervillain threw the front doors open with a maniacal cheer, unaware of the hero's presence there.

"Come on!" Ladybug hollered, instinctively pulling Adrien and Kagami close to her. She cast her yo-yo out and zoomed away from the dangerous wasps with the two of them.

"Wait! Ladybug! Adrien!" Queen Wasp called regretfully after them, her voice echoing through the streets. "I love you!"

• • •

Ladybug descended carefully into a dark, dirty alleyway using her yo-yo, holding Adrien and Kagami in her arms. She let go of them once they landed, and Ladybug knew her face was as red as a beet.
She quickly retracted her yo-yo and popped it open to busy herself by calling Cat Noir, turning around to hide her face.

"Thank you Ladybug, for saving us," Kagami said, stealing a glance at Adrien. He didn't seem as fazed by the close interaction as Ladybug was. His cheeks were just slightly pink, but that was it. He seemed completely normal otherwise. She smirked internally; it looked like Adrien had already dropped his childish and irrational desires to be with a superhero of all people. Good.

"Hm? Yeah, yeah, that's my job! Haha!" Ladybug quickly replied, still facing away from the two, busily tapping away on her bug phone. After a few clicks, she held it up to her ear and waited in silence for a few seconds.
There was no response except an empty beep and Cat Noir's recording: Cat got your tongue? Leave a message!

Adrien cringed at the message he'd recorded.
Is that really what I sound like? Eww...

"Oh, c'mon Cat, I can't beat Queen Wasp without you," Ladybug mumbled, calling again.

"I think I should uhm, get going?" suggested Adrien, pointing towards the alleyway exit over his shoulder and taking a step away. He needed to get away from them so he could transform and help Ladybug as soon as possible, but it wasn't easy.

"Oh, no no! You're staying here for now. We don't know what Queen Wasp wants with you," Ladybug said, gently taking his wrist. She dropped it immediately and looked up at him, seeing if he noticed the gesture. He clearly did and seemed confused by her disgusted reaction. That's not good!
"Uh, anyway," she blurted, taking control of the situation again, "yeah, you two stay here together," she pointed from Kagami to Adrien, "and protect each other until the akuma is gone. Got it?"

A Miraculous Story Book 3: Rivals Part 1: Queen Wasp 2Where stories live. Discover now