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Omuku/Adrien was running on the roof, away from the huge problem she caused. Thanks to her, Ladybug was broken down and Cat Noir was distracted enough to be thrown off the roof.
And she's running away from everything.
Why am I like this? When did I become such a coward?
Omuku had no answer to her own question. Her legs just went off on their own, before she could decide what to do. Never in her life had she been one to run from her problems, what was so different about it now? Perhaps it was the fact that she deliberately lied for her own selfish gain. That was probably why she felt the urge to just leave.
Omuku glanced down at her Miraculous. 2/5 of the petals on the bracelet had gone grey. She only had 3 minutes left as Adrien and Omuku, more or less.
Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching from behind. Omuku turned her head to look over her shoulder, and to her surprise, saw Albibis chasing after her, wings spread wide open.
Omuku couldn't help but notice the fact that Albibis was running just like those characters in that one anime... what was it called?
Anyway, in a panic, Omuku ran faster, but to no avail. Albibis was naturally faster with her Miraculous activated and with her wings open, giving her a gliding movement. Omuku also saw Princess Panda begins her as well. Great, there were two villains after her now, both of them rapidly gaining.
She looked back ahead and realized she was running out of roof very quickly. She had nowhere to run. She desperately looked from side to side and fortunately saw a door that led down into the building, not too far from her.
Glancing behind her again, Omuku timed her change change of course just when Albibis was about to catch her, taking a sharp turn at the last second. Albibis couldn't keep up and fell to the gravelly floor as Omuku ran for the door.
The Snowy Owl spat and wiped pebbles off her cheek, realizing she scratched her face in the fall.
"Darn it!" she cursed, climbing back to her feet to continue the pursuit, but Princess Panda caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Albibis, stop!" she begged.

"What're you doing here??" Albibis hissed, throwing Princess Panda's hands off her and taking off again.

The Panda villain had no choice but to chase after her some more. "You can't hurt Adrien!" she shouted.

"I told you to watch after Ladybug and Cat Noir! Take their Miraculouses! I nixumized Ladybug for a reason, you know!"

"They're both down for the count! I can't let you get Adrien!"

"Why not? He's clearly working for Ladybug, why else would he be up here? He must be stopped!"

Omuku finally made it, gasping as she threw herself at the door. It swung open, graciously unlocked, and she scrambled in, leaping down the concrete steps two at a time.

"If he is working for Ladybug," Princess Panda called, "then why would he hurt her so badly?"

"I don't know!" Albibis shouted back, also having made it to the door and slamming into it to get in. "That's what I want to find out! That's why I want to catch him!"

"Hold on! Hawk Moth said not to!" Princess Panda slipped through the door after Albibis, following her down the steps as well.

"Ughh!" She grunted in frustration and ignored her partner, who she was really starting to dislike.

Omuku practically flew down the steps, hearing her pursuers right above her. She found herself in a two-story restaurant, which was closed and evacuated when the akuma alert was announced in the area, and very soon she was at the first floor. She burst through the first doors she came across, which took her into a huge kitchen. She immediately spotted a large frying pan hanging from the ceiling among many other culinary equipment and went straight for it, climbing on the counter it was above to get it.
Man, was it heavy.

A Miraculous Story Book 3: Rivals Part 1: Queen Wasp 2Where stories live. Discover now