School: Continued

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Luke's P.O.V.

        "Are we friends or not?" She asks, once she's done with my arm. I start laughing. She really thinks we'd be friends, we're nothing alike. Once I calm down a little I tell her exactly what I was thinking. I wish we could be friends because I really like you but noooooo. I continued to think as I was talking. Whatever I tell her I chuckle at the end.

        "Sorry." I state as I'm still laughing.

        "Whatever." She says sounding annoyed.

        "No, please. Wait, I'm sorry." I say calming down even more, the laughter is almost completly gone.

        "Why would I even want to be near someone who judges books by their cover?" She says, walking away. I could tell she felt could about her-self by the way she walked away. I'm also pretty sure she hates me because venom was dripping from the word near.

        "Come back! Wait! I'm sorry!" I find myself yelling to her. She just keeps on walking. I run after her. Her feet quicken to a sprint. I can't keep up with her. I stop running as she turns a corner. What did I just lose? The girl of your dreams. I literally just lost the girl of my dreams. Like she is the description of the girl in my dreams, creepy right. Hopefully I have lunch with her.

        Josh's P.O.V.

             I get to have a little ball of energy known as Jenney running around in a tutu.

        "Get back here! Come back princess!"

        "That's Fairy Princess to you." She said looking kind of offended because I didn't know to call her that. This is going to be a loooonnnnngggg day.

A/N: Picture is Josh in case you didn't know who Zac Effron is (I'm pretty sure everyone does). I'm also sorry this was so short, I just didn't have very much inspiration.

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