Side-story 2

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Private Lessons
Side-story 2

(WARNING: Yaoi content below, so read at your own discretion!)


Uchiha Sasuke sat at his desk, massaging his temples with his thumbs.

He sighed, "I just want to go home..."

He had been working at the hospital for the last 35 hours; and his shift had been quite busy, having to monitor two heavy accident entries.

Sasuke was currently in his 5th year in med school, and, while he loved his studies, he was sometimes torn between his career prospects and his need to be with his boyfriend, Uzumaki Naruto.

It was now around 8 in the morning, and Sasuke realized he had been filling up reports for the last two hours... He needed a break. He got up from his chair, stretched and stepped out of his office. He walked along the corridor towards the rest room, where he wanted to take a short nap.

He turned around a corner and bumped into a woman, who fell on her backside.

"Outch!" she exclaimed.

Sasuke immediately reached out to help her get back to her feet. The woman looked up at him and gasped:


Sasuke's eyes widened, he had certainly NOT expected to meet that person here!

"I-it's me Haruno Sakura!" she reminded him;

"Yes, of course I remember." he acknowledged with a small smile.

Sakura was blushing, a huge smile across her face. "I'm so happy to meet you here!"

She noticed Sasuke's white coat and name tag; her smile seemed to widen even more.

"Do you work here?! What a nice coïncidence! It's my first day working here too!" she explained excitedly.

"Oh, that's nice..." Sasuke responded, not sure why she was that happy.

"Yeah, I'm a nurse now! I hope we'll get to meet often!" Sakura hoped, not letting go of Sasuke's hand.

"Maybe... Huh, I... have to get going, actually, so if you'll excuse me." The young man said, trying to get away from this weird encounter.

"Oh! Yes of course!" Sakura said, her smile dropping a bit. "See you later then!"

She waved at him as he headed towards the aforementioned rest room.

Sasuke sat on the edge of the bed, sighing. He had never really appreciated Haruno back in high school, finding her too gossipy for his taste. And he highly doubted he would change his mind now...

Sasuke tried to avoid Sakura afterwards, dodging the common places where nurses usually gathered in the hospital. Alas, one day, as he was eating lunch on his own in the hospital cafeteria, when Sakura spotted him and came straight towards him.

"Sasuke-kun! Finally we meet again!" she exclaimed, sitting at his table, uninvited.

The sudden familiarity in her approach brought a few curious stares from bystanders, since Sasuke wasn't known for having a lot of friends (if any at all).

"Hello..." Sasuke said, unmotivated.

After a minute of awkward silence, where Sakura stared intently at Sasuke, the young woman started:

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