Class Time

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"Are you still in love with Sean Lew?" Tati asked

"No, I'm not," Kaycee said

"You sure?"

"Girls it's been 4 years you think I was just dreaming about Sean every day?" Kaycee said


"Well I wasn't, we broke up he can be with anyone he wants," Kaycee said

"You broke up because of long-distance not because you stopped liking each other" Tahani said, "As I think you should know Sean didn't start dating Jenna until two years after you left meaning..."

"So, he was waiting..." Tati said

"I wouldn't say waiting per se but he didn't seem interested in anyone else during that time," Tahani said

"..." Kaycee absorbed that information "So Tati you were talking with Julian quite a bit anything there?!"

"Actually, when Jay posted on his story that Kaycee was back and had everyone in the pic Julian was telling me how Josh Beauchamp was asking about me since he saw me as well," Tati said

"You know honestly he's honestly your type," Kaycee said

"Yeah before it was the age but now your both adults so..." Tahani said as Tati winked "And you already know"

"Yeah but I'm going to let him make the first move and..." Tati said but then realized "Kaycee! No! We were talking about you and Sean"

"What's there to talk about?! I don't like Sean and Sean is taken!" Kaycee said

"But everybody wants you two to get back together," Tati said "Bailey kept forcing you to next to each other, Charlize kept reminiscing back when you were together, Jay drunk ass even straight up asked why you two weren't together"

"That was hilarious," Kaycee said referring to Jay being drunk "Luckily his sister picked him up"

"... So, the only ones that didn't want you to together we're Jenna..." Tati said

"For obvious reasons," Kaycee said

"And Julian and Josh..." Tati said

"But why... They used to be huge seaycee shippers" Tahani said "At least made fun of it"

"They know something we don't," Tati said

"Perhaps... Anyone want to be my roommate, my other two moved out, one got some real money and got her own place, and the other moved in with her boyfriend" Tahani

"I'm down, don't think I want to live with my parents when they get back, Kaycee?" Tati said

"Sure, I mean I still got to get adjusted back to LA but let's do it, the KayHanAti apartment," Kaycee said

Sean's Apartment

"So... Are you ok?" Jenna asked "Kaycee coming back was a definite shock"

"Definitely stunning..." Sean said "I mean it was just so random"

"Right! First I was so excited to see her then I remembered everything that has happened since she left" Jenna said "I needed a warning"

"Same, but hey now we have time to adjust," Sean said

Next day

The Rising Gallery: Noah Tratree's class

"Thanks for class Noah hip hop is nice but I missed contemporary" Kaycee said

"Of course, Kaycee always one of my favorite students... Well, I have to run out fast with Late can you tell Sean that he can pay me later I know he's good for it" Noah said running out

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