chapter 3 // the truth

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ariana's p.o.v

I am a little surprised that Harry wants to see me. I knew that he will be upset but when the guard tells me that it had to do with something important, I had to hear what this boy had to say. Captain Zereno demands that two guards walk with me so I don't get attacked or anything. I know Harry is human and they did too. I have this feeling in my stomach that Harry wouldn't think to hurt me.

I make it to the dungeons and one of the guards types a few numbers into the keypad. The door opens and the dungeon looks old-fashioned like a dungeon in medieval times on Earth. It is made from red and grey stone and are half a metre long. The rest of the kingdom is high-tech and digital, so this was different. I see Harry holding onto the bars and immediately spoke.
"Yes?" My voice sounds more rude than I expect.
"I need to talk to you privately." His voice booms in the small space. I know what he wants. Because he's human he thinks that I'll be okay with him to go look for his family. He's probably going to give me some sincere story about his family and start to cry so I let him go.
"And it could possibly ruin your reputation on this planet." He almost whispers. I suddenly become interested in what he has to say. I shoot him a glare and shooed the guards away before creeping closer to the bars. I am probably only a few inches from his face.
"What do you know?" I spit, rudely. I want him to know that I am more powerful than some 'little girl' he must see me as. He backs away a little before whispering, "I know who you are."
My eyes widen and the realisation of my predictions were false. Harry actually knew that I was a human and I can't erase his memory of me. He could ruin my reputation and get me killed if he really wanted to.

I decide to settle this the easy way. I would talk to him. Instead of focusing on the negatives.
"Guards." I call loud enough for them to hear me. A worried look spreads across Harry's face.
"Open the cell." I call once they rushed through the room. They question me but I shush them. The cell opens suddenly and Harry steps out, thanking me. The guards leave and Harry follows me up the stairs.
"Follow me." I call behind me. There is an awkward silence between us and one of us are just waiting for the other to talk. I decide not to say a word and I guess so did he. I don't want to start the conversation because I know someone would probably walk past us and overhear our conversation. That is a risk I am not willing to take. Not in a million years. I lead Harry into an elevator and pressed the desired floor button and again an uncomfortable silence feel upon us as the elevator went up.

We finally make it to the floor and down to the balcony where I know that I would be free from everyone. Everyone in the kingdom knew that this was the place where I wanted to come for silence and no one was allowed out here. I sat down on one of the benches over-looking the planet. Harry awkwardly stood next to the chair staring out the lookout.
"You can sit down" I laughed. He nodded before sitting right at the edge of the bench. As far away from me as he could possibly get.

I decided that I was going to get this all over and done with.
"How did you find out?" I asked and patiently waited for his response.
"I figured it out. You look like a human, for a start. You don't look like anything on this planet because they're bloody purple and you aren't. You sound like one... You know that it is extremely obvious. You're lucky people on this planet are absolutey stupid!" he huffed and I was taken aback by his answer. I didn't say anything and by the look on his face he was going to apologise.
"Can you keep a secret?" I looked down at my intertwined fingers, "but you can't tell anyone"
"I've got no one" he sighed, "to tell I mean" he quickly added but I knew what he meant.
"I want to help you find your family" It surprised me what came out of my lips. I was going to tell him that I was going back to Earth. His entire face lit up and I couldn't hep but smile.
"No fucking way" he was stunned, "really?"
"Yes and don't make me change my mind" I teased,
"Alright" he replied back before his smile got wider, showing his completely white teeth, "thank you princess...."
"Ariana" I smiled before standing up,
"Ariana. That's a beautiful name" he smiled and also stood up from the seat. I walked back towards the elevator and he followed.
"Thank you" I blushed, I hadn't been complimented by a charming British boy before so I was a little bashful about the compliment. I pressed the botton in the elevator as Harry stepped in.
"Princess Ariana, do I have to sleep in the dungeons?" he asked as he leaned against the wall.
"I'm afraid so" I said in a serious tone. There was a look of confusion in his face because I was literally nice to him five seconds ago.
"Cameras" I whispered, I hope that he heard me.
"That's kinda terrifying" he whispered back.
"I've been trying to get them shut down since I found out about them and they won't listen to me" I whispered back and rolled my eyes of the realisation that is my crew.
"Unbelievable" he said in a sarcastic tone and I couldn't hep but laugh.
"I know right" we both went into a fit of laughter before the door opened causing us both to be serious

The guards as well as the Captain were standing there waiting for us to come back from our talk.
"Back to the dungeons, princess?" one of the larger guards asked, I suddenly changed my mind.
"No. Take him to one of the spare rooms and make sure he has food, water and extra clothes. The guards nodded before talking Harry by the arm and taking him down one of the long corridors.
"You changed your mind, Princess?" Captain Zereno asked and I nodded.
"He's harmless. Just a lost boy looking for his family. I just want to be nice" I spoke my mind.
"How long will he be staying for?" I honestly haven't even thought about that. I just wanted to make sure that someone was caring for him and it's got to be someone from his own race so he knows he isn't alone in this unexplained universe.
"I don't know" I spoke my mind once again, "until he's ready to find his family. He is staying to rest once he's well again he will go" Captain nodded in my direction before guiding us both into the elevator. I noticed he was tired, from the croakiness of his voice when I first met him and the dark circles under his eyes and also the redness. As I said earlier, he was just a lost boy looking for his family and together we are desperate children trying to find our parents. We were in this together.

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