Chapter 2 ||Tea and News||

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Later that evening, Cerlesta stood in front of her long mirror. Her maids just left her after dressing her up in a blue gown and styling her brown hair, half braid done and letting the left rest wavy down.

Her golden tiara was seated above her head, which shimmered her dark emerald eyes. And her favorite gold chained blue Crystal necklace, which her brother gave her on her 10th birthday, rested around her neck as always. Because she promised Caspian that she’ll never take it off. She smiled slightly at her reflection in the mirror.

“Is my gorgeous little bird ready?” she heard Caspian teasing from behind.

She turned to her door and saw Caspian leaning to the nearby wall, looking handsome as always.
She giggled slightly and answered, “Yes!”

Caspian pulled himself from his leaning position and walked towards his sister. He stood beside her, facing their reflection in the mirror and threw his hand around her shoulders, holding her close.

He let out a satisfied sigh and said softly, “Sometimes I forget you’ve grown into a fine young lady.”

And looked down at her, sideways. Cerlesta tilted her head up sideways and met her brother’s gaze.
“Really?” she asked, smiling.

“Of course! Each time I realize it, I’m having a hard time believing it. And it also makes me so proud, that I’m lucky to have you as my sister! You’re my treasure!” said Caspian, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Her smile widened, her eyes filled up with tears, “I love you, brother!” she hugged him.

“I know, I love you too!” he said as he returned the hug.

“Hey, don’t ruin that beautiful
face with tears,” teased Caspian as they broke their hug.

“And you know?” Caspian started, wiping away her tears, “The man who’ll capture your heart one day, will be the luckiest. Not because you’re a princess, but because you’re an extraordinary soul!”

“Oh Caspian, stop it!” said Cerlesta, laughing slightly and gently poking his chest. Caspian chuckled.

“I say, the girl you’ll get to marry will be the luckiest.” Cerlesta said, laughing at her brother who rolled his eyes.

“Your majesties,” a voice called, they both turned to the door and saw Fersia, “It’s time.” She informed.

Caspian took a deep breath and nodded at her. Turning to his sister, he asked, “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

“Told you already! Yes!” she replied excitedly and turned to her mirror. Caspian groaned seeing her turn to the mirror, “Told you already! You’re gorgeous!” he teased.

She laughed, “Okay Handsome, let’s go!” she teased back as she took her brother’s offered arm graciously.

“I hope they were informed of our invitation.” Said Prunaprismia to her husband Miraz who was standing beside the tea table. They both were waiting for Caspian and Cerlesta in the royal garden.

“Of course they were informed, I can assure you that.” Miraz smiled at his wife.

“How can you assure that?” She asked her husband, raising her eyebrow at him.

“Because……here they are!” he said, motioning his hand towards the entrance.

Prunaprismia smiled as she spotted the royal siblings coming and stood up from her chair when they neared. Miraz too, had a wide smile on their face, which gave Caspian a creepy feeling. But tried to ease it.

A Brother's Treasure • A Caspian's Sister StoryWhere stories live. Discover now